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Абу Муссаб Ваджди Аккари фото
  • VK ссылка:public61315799
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 263

Абу Муссаб Ваджди Аккари

Описание: Wajdi Akkari Speaks about himself.

I was born and raised in Lebanon in an un-Islamic environment where we celebrated all the Christian holidays with no exception. Islam had no real role in my life except occupying the "Religion" slot on my passport along with some ritualistic practices in the later stages which did not survive, nor were they of any real substance. At the age of 18, I traveled to the United States with the hope to become a rapper or an NBA player. I got heavily involved with a group of Buddhists due to our common interest in music. I eventually started practicing Buddhism and lost touch of the real world and the purpose of life. Even though I was living, what appeared to be a lavish life, I was miserable on the inside and suffered immensely due to the kind of life I was leading. After the passage of 5 years or so, in the oddest of circumstances, Allah guided me to Islam and instilled in my heart the love for Dawah, something that I could have never done on my own, so all praise is due to Him, the Exalted. Furthermore, Allah also facilitated for me the acquisition of Islamic knowledge at the hands of qualified scholars in the middle of Los Angeles!

My life started to change and my previous interests in the many evil I used to engage in started to fade away (I ask Allah to help us all overcome our desires until we die). I eventually moved with my wife and children to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where Allah facilitated for me the propagation of Islam in ways I could have never perceived. By Allah's Grace, I have been blessed with many opportunities to share Islam with the Muslims and non-Muslims.

I continue to strive in rectifying my condition and improving my relationship with my Master whom I ask to ever enslave me to His Majesty, grant me the honor to work in the service of His religion, and enable me to spread Islam until the last breath I shall breathe.

From Rock Bottom to the Surface (by the grace of Allaah):


  • Мага Харсиев Воронеж
  • Юсуп Хусейнов Рим
  • Улукбек Курбанов Москва
  • Каусар Зайниев
  • Еркебулан Тойымханов Алматы
  • Илья Аббасов
  • Anvar Timurkaev Грозный
  • Людмила Крошкина
  • Уммар Хаджиев
  • Vermilla Togobetskaya
  • Степан Смирнов
  • Косим Абдуллоев
  • Илүзә Әнәс Кызы Екатеринбург
  • Аббас Алиев Киев
  • Мухаммад Бугаев
  • Али Шейхов Хасавюрт
  • Султан Сафаров Челябинск
  • Вис Пашаев Хасавюрт
  • Амина Кадырова
  • Алиса Идрисова Казань
  • Инга Бергман
  • Tt Tomiko Назрань
  • Али Алиев San Francisco