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Сharmed One • Piper Halliwell фото
  • VK ссылка:public63132996
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 190

Сharmed One • Piper Halliwell

Описание: Piper - creative nature, funny, not very ambitious but very good and correct in all respects, a bit shy, sensitive, good-natured. Over time it becomes stronger, harsher, more serious. It is very clean, sometimes even too much, which leads to a comical situations. Piper devoted to her husband and sons, loving wife, mother and sister, the true Keeper of the hearth, «heart of the home Halliwell». Afraid of spiders and mice, as well as penalties for the use of magic for personal gain. One of the biggest fears of childhood is the fear that every time, when life is getting better, and she's finally happy to happen something bad.

The nature Piper has changed greatly throughout the series: in the first seasons Piper was more or less careless and emotional, but already in the fourth season, she became serious and somber. This was the death of the Prue .


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