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[ Expect Anything ] (OFFICIAL) фото
  • VK ссылка:public68028429
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 27

[ Expect Anything ] (OFFICIAL)

Описание: Expect Anything is a french metal band created in the East of France in 2007, currently consists of 5 members : Tom / Maxime / Alex / Simon / Guillaume.

The first EP "Behind The Sky" released in 2008 was hailed by critics (RockOne, webzines, MuenMagazine L.A.)

In 2010, the band is surrounded by Simon Muller in the production of the first album "Seven Scars" and Guillaume Bideau (Mnemic, One Way Mirror, Scarve) to the vocals and featuring a song.

From 2011 to 2013, they are on the roads for many dates alongside Gojira (FR), The Ocean (GER), Mnemic (DA), Sybreed (SU), Smash Hit Combo (FR), Overhype (CZ), As They Burn (FR), Aqme (FR), S-Core (FR), Uneaven Structure (FR) in France, Belgium and the Czech Republic.

The second album was released in January 2014 accompanied by a European tour (Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia...) alongside the Swiss band Make Me A Donut.


  • Артем Полторак Курган
  • Роман Шляпников Санкт-Петербург
  • Марина Белкина Курган
  • Сергей Меглин Краснодар
  • Мария Годовых Курган (деревня)
  • София Сердюк Ростов-на-Дону
  • Юнир Магадиев Washington, D.C.
  • Роман Тарков Курган
  • Игорь Каин Челябинск
  • Ильдар Нугуманов Уфа
  • Соня Ковалева Москва
  • Надя Казеева
  • Tom Ray
  • Полина Фогелева Екатеринбург
  • Саша Смирнов Calgary
  • Andrew Jackon Alexandria
  • Юлиана Левицкая Реж
  • Alex Masson Nancy
  • Ray Goldshtefelhelts
  • Guillaume Bergiron Москва
  • Simon Muller
  • Maxime Champion Nancy
  • Tom Tomhxc Nancy
  • Бутри Воинтор
  • Leon Curt Вольно-Надеждинское
  • Dhirendra Singh