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ОАО «Микоян» | JSC Mikoyan фото
  • VK ссылка:public73224959
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 211

ОАО «Микоян» | JSC Mikoyan

Описание: The Public Joint-Stock Company "Russian Aircraft Corporation "MiG" is a leading enterprise of aviation industry of Russia which has aggregated within the framework of unified legal structure the main organizations ensuring all elements of flight vehicles life cycle: concept development, initial and detailed design, manufacture of prototypes and their tests, marketing, preproduction planning and serial production, technical support during operation, upgrading as well as the training of the flight personnel, technicians and engineers.

The RAC "MiG" product line consists of up-to-date fighters- interceptors, multi-role combat aircraft, including newly developed fighters of the unified family of MiG-29K/KUB, MiG- 29М/М2 and advanced MiG-35, training equipment as well as the light general-purpose airplanes. The RAC "MiG" designers are intensively working at creation of a new generation aeronautical engineering, both manned and unmanned.

The enterprises participating in manufacturing of the "MiG" brand products have added a glorious page to the history of the Russian and world aviation. A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau, founded in December, 1939, included into the RAC "MiG", has elaborated about 450 projects of combat aircraft, from which 170 projects are realized, and 94 - were made in series. In total at domestic aircraft building plants there have been manufactured about 45000 aircraft of "MiG" brand, from which 11000 aircraft have been exported. Over 14000 "MiG" fighters have been produced under licence abroad. "MiG" family brand aircraft protected from aggression the skies of more than 40 countries over the world. Among them there are such glorified fighters as MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, MiG-23, MiG-25, MiG-29, MiG-31.

RAC "MiG" has modern design, research and experimental base, well equipped production facilities, effective financial and marketing structures as well as a developed global system of technical support of its products.

The "MiG" brand fighters are designed using the digital technologies at all stages of a life cycle: from development to after-sale service.

In RAC "MiG" it is designed and realized the quality management system (QMS), which comprises design, production, tests, service, supervision and repair of military products. GMS is based on the international standards of the quality management system of the International Standards Organization 9000 series.

The government of Russia has granted to RAC "MiG" the full-fledged licences for design, production and technical support of civil and military aeronautical engineering.

RAC "MiG" is an official prime contractor of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. "MiG" brand aircraft are the basis of a fighter aviation of the Armed Forces of Russia. The government of Russia performs the target financing of priority areas of the Corporation activities from the budget.

The Russian Government delegated to the RAC “MiG” the right to exercise independent foreign-trade activities in relation to the defense production, in the terms of:
- deliveries of spare parts, aggregates, assemblies, devices, OEM components, special, training and ancillary equipment, technical documentation for the previously delivered defense production;
- carrying out works of examination, standardizing, product life extension, maintenance, overhaul (including upgrade, which assume carrying out research and developments works) and other kinds of works providing for integrated after-sales service of the previously delivered defense production, training of the foreign specialists for implementation of the indicated activities;
- participation in establishing, with foreign customers, joint ventures, which would perform maintenance and repair of the defense production;
- establishing and


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