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Media Development Foundation фото
  • VK ссылка:public77229366
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 44

Media Development Foundation

Описание: Media Development Foundation (MDF) is a non-profit media organization founded by a group of Kyiv Post journalists.

The MDF aims to support high level journalism in Ukraine by training young media professionals in accordance with international journalistic standards and giving them a chance to get some hands on experience in producing content.

Media Development Foundation (MDF) is a non-profit organization founded by a group of Kyiv Post journalists willing to share their knowledge and skills with aspiring reporters and young professionals, and thus contribute to meeting the demand for quality information in Ukraine.

For over 19 years the Kyiv Post, Ukraine’s main English-language publication, has maintained the highest standards of independent and objective reporting. The Kyiv Post team is composed of talented and hardworking journalists experienced in Western-style reporting, adhering to the same principles both in good times and bad.

The Euromaidan revolution has demonstrated that the country has a strong appetite for a developed, responsible and active civil society, and for greater social engagement of the population in general. But an active and engaged society needs to be well-informed.

Making sure Ukraine has the people and capacity to make that happen is the MDF’s main goal. The foundation brings together prominent Ukrainian and foreign media managers, editors and journalists to share their skills, pass on their knowledge and experience, and make sure Ukraine has a strong and vibrant media sector in years to come.


  • Тимофей Федорец Днепр (Днепропетровск)
  • Алексей Шумиленко Киев
  • Ксения Степанова
  • Олесь Шевченко Киев
  • Ира Иванова Киев
  • Олька Клименко
  • Катя Коваленко Киев
  • Александра Лазебник Киев
  • Ольга Заривная Киев
  • Alina Narilina
  • Юлія Михайлова Мариуполь
  • Катя Павлевич Киев
  • Анастасия Бойко Киев
  • Елизавета Копань Киев
  • Оля Голобородько
  • Сергій Гарбарук
  • Олена Вітошинська
  • Виталий Подлисецкий
  • Кира Кирута
  • Dmytro Voyuta Киев
  • Оксана Гуцол
  • Валерія Головань Харьков
  • Анастасія Павлюк Черновцы
  • Олена Астахова
  • Маша Матвеева Divo
  • Vova Yaskal
  • Sarra Listring
  • Issah Alhassan-Jabuni
  • Seydi Amath