Информация о паблике

Rockfutur фото
  • VK ссылка:public89371453
  • Тип сообщества: открытое
  • Количество подписчиков: 20


Описание: Rockfutur is an innovational international loyalty program in the luxury segment.

Our wealthy clients worldwide who prefer comfort and high service get privileges of economy through a purchase of the Rockfutur international discount card.

The Rockfutur card provides maximum discounts in the partner companies of the cataloguewww.rockfutur.com

It is a status accessory covered with gold.
The card's price gegins from €1000.
The authenticity of the card is proved by a hologram with complex system of anti-counterfeiting protection.
The card is encashed with the support of partners and agents.

Our aim is the popularization of luxury goods and services of the program's partners among Rockfutur cardholders worldwide.

Your company can participate in our online catalogue for the cardholders.

As far as the info about the discounts provided by the partners of Rockfutur program is available to authorized cardholders only, we will provide you a test authorization to our online catalogue on request to the page administrator.


  • Олександр Гефен Киев
  • Валентин Піргач Киев
  • Наташа Томенко
  • Ahmet Engin İstanbul
  • Евгения Дубовая Киев
  • Сергей Станиславский Киев
  • Евгений Коваль Киев
  • Александр Лярус Киев
  • Александр Снегуров Киев
  • Віталій Фрідман Киев
  • Наталія Романенко Киев
  • Виталий Решетняк Киев
  • Тимофей Яценко Киев
  • Марина Кравчук Киев