плавание, боулинг, вокал, футбол, информатика, хорошая музыка
Linkin Park, Black Eyed Peas, Eminem
The Matrix, Эквилибриум, The Fast And Furious, Black Hall, Айвенго, Dark Knight
серия Сокровища Валькирии, книги Лукьяненко
MythBusters (Разрушители Мифов)
"- Is there a cool way to dump someone?
- Well, you stand your ground, show no emotion and act like you don't care. Something like that.
- Thats the exact opposite of cool. I've seen it before: you show up, tell them not to touch you, make no attempt at an explanation, tell them it'll never work and then disappear into the distance - now THAT'S what i call COOL! In fact, it's frigging awesome..."