Employee at Erve Hulsbeek
Callisthenics & Music
Old school Rap, Drum & Bass, Melodic Dubstep
Requiem for a Dream, Good Will Hunting, Monster Ball, Exit through the Gift Shop, Eyes Wide Shut, A Clockwork Orange, Repo Men
National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel
Who are THEY?
They are the ones in control..
They are the ones that have been foretold
They lurk in the shadows... Behind the curtain
Keeping us in the dark, that you can be certain
They mold and shape our mind..
so that we may never shine
They wrote our history books..
So that we may never know where to look
They prey upon our apathy, in a plot you can't untwist,
policing how you think and feel, they tighten an iron fist
They create our distractions.. so they may prepare for the coming attractions
All the worlds a stage, we are trapped in in this cage
They are the men who built America
They are the men who will destroy it
Power is their currency, their DNA
as they hide in plain sight, we wither away
They are the masters of deception,
their media creating lies, since it's inception
telling lies to your vision, it's called programing for a reason
They are behind the big charade
blackmail , deceit, treason, their stock and trade
They are behind the ageless plot
knowing they will never be caught
unless we stir up the pot
Who are they..
They, are who you should never obey.