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Илья Щербин

Был в онлайне 03 сентября 2024 в 07:45:43

Проверка страницы Щербина Ильи ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 1620

  • VK ссылка:id241300303
  • О себе:My name is VaN, I'm 30 years old, and I'm from Japan. I'm an artist, I'm a performance artist. I'm hired for people to fulfill their fantasies, their deep dark fantasies. I was gonna be a movie star, you know with modelling and uh, acting. After a hundred or two audition and small parts, you know I decided, you know, I had enough, then I get into escort work. The clientele requested a lot of, uh, fetishes, so I just decided to go, uh.. you know, full master, and.. changed my whole entire house into a dungeon, um, dungeon master you know, with a full dungeon in my house, and uh, it's going very well. Fisting is 300 bucks, and usually the guy is pretty much high on pop or.. to really get relaxed to get you know, and I have this long latex glove that goes all the way up to my armpit, and uh then I put on a surgical latex glove just up to my wrist, and just lube it up, and uh, it's a long process you know, to get your, get your whole arm up there but uh.. it's an intense feeling for the other person, I think for myself too, it's.. uh... you go on places that uh, even though it's physical, with your hand, but, for some reason it's.. it's also more emotional, it's more psychological too, and, we both, ge- you know, reach the same place, it's really strange, at the same time, um, and I found sessions like that I get really exhausted at the end.
  • Ник:gospodin_koftachka
  • День рождения:22.6
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Сочи
  • Родной город:Сочи
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные
  • Источники вдохновения:Дарцаев Исмамл Умарпашаевич, Билли Херрингтон, Жока и Бока, Джеки Чан, Стив Бушеми, Азиз
  • Главное в людях:юмор и жизнелюбие
  • Главное в жизни:саморазвитие


    Актуальный статус

    Утро всегда тяжелое. Так... Ну, день-то будет нормальный.

    Интересы и хобби

    • Интересы:

      Анекдоты Александра Нуждинова, Романа Трахтенберга

    • Любимые телешоу:

      Осторожно модерн

    • Любимые цитаты:

      Меня била мать


    • Илья Щербин фотография #1
    • Илья Щербин фотография #2
    • Илья Щербин фотография #3