Туристическая компания "Друзья", загранпаспорта, лыжные туры, пляжный отдых, визы, авиабилеты, круизы, групповые туры и многое другое)
Світ вигляда чужим,
Холод торкає плеч?...
Промінь весни, що ожив,
Сум твій розтне, мов меч.
Думаєш - щастя де,
Доля веде куди?
Вперто шукай свій Едем
І Воскресіння жди!
-= just to see how it feels, for the next twenty-four hours refrain from criticizing anybody or anything =-
-= every day look for some small way to improve your marriage =-
-= never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them =-
-= street musicians are a treasure. stop for a moment and listen, then leave a small donation =-
-= begin each day with your favourite music =-
-= live your life so that your epitaph could read, "no regrets" =-
-= don`t say you don`t have enought time. you have exacttly the same number of hours per day that given to Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein. =-
-= remember that successful marriage depends on 2 things: 1)finding the right person and 2) being the right person. =-
-= remember - no one makes it alone. have a grateful heart and be quick to acknowledge those who help you.=-