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Isaac Martin

Был в онлайне 03 марта 2025 в 12:14:49

Проверка страницы Martin Isaac ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 212

  • VK ссылка:id492495078
  • О себе:My grandad was born in Argentina to Jewish mother who migrated from Spain. Aged 3 my grandad was left at an orphanage in Argentina by his young Spainsh immigrant Jewish mother. When he turned 18 he was released from the orphange and given the address of his mother's house. It was in the high class area in Buenos Aires, he must of stood at the driveway of the house for awhile before he decided to turn his back and walk away. He was able to finish school and worked as a graphic designer at an Argentine newspaper, i guess he was under the wing of the Jewish community. Later he met his wife who bore him a daughter who never had any children of her own. My father was born 10 years junior of his sister. Unfortunately my father's mother past away during his birth. My grandad and my auntie raised my father. My dad met my mum when he was 32 and she was 22. They were offered $20 to start a new life in Australia and 10 years later i was born. My dad had a successful enginerding company, cnc machine, numerous milling machines, grinders etc, the bottle got the better of him. I was 3 when my parents divorced. In Argentina my mother was qualified electrician, unfortunately many manufacturing jobs in Australia moved to China for the cheap labour, my mother had to find a new trade. She put herself through night school and got a trades Chef certificate, and started chefing. Dropping me off at school in the mornings and picking me up after school and take me to her workplaces till her work day was completed. I was introduced to the world of commercial kitchens and restaurants at a young age. I basically was raised in kitchens. I was making my own batter from scratch for the crepes I had perfected by age 6. A true single mother who always worked, did not accept any government hand outs nor 1 cent of child support from my dad. She paid the rent for our house, bought a car, sent me to an exclusive private school, paid the phone, paid the gas and electricity, sent me to swimming lessons, tennis and karate, bought a fresh Christmas tree yearly which would stay up through December up until my birthday on 6th Jan. I was at the private school from age 3 to 12 years old when, my mother could not afford the private school fees. I then had a rude awakening for my first day in high school as i was enrolled at an Australian public school. I went from addressing teachers, sir / madam, to a first name basis, that was alien to me and i felt i was disrespectful towards the teachers by doing so, yet they did not know. On my first day of school I was immediately bullied by the tallest kid in class, without a thought instinctivly I threw one punch stopping millimetres from his face. I was expecting him to get up and attack me, instead he turned red, i guess he didn't know how to react or embarrassed that everyone in the class saw what happened barJohn the public school English and sports teacher. He stopped bullying from that day. At 16 years of age i met my first girlfriend who is Vietnamese, her dad was the jewellery smith in the Vietnamese community. He must of had some fantasys of his daughter getting engaged with a ring that he would make for her, then make both wedding rings. Needless to say he hated me because by 19 I was a father to my first daughter, thanks to his daughter. One day after work (mcdonalds) I went to my girlfriends house and the house was empty. From the birth of my daughter my girlfriend and I had never spent one day or night apart, until our child was 1 and a half years old, the day he moved "his" family away. I never have seen my daughter since. My girlfriends father would tell me what I then stated to believed, i was a "bad boy". I couldn't understand how someone like him with his life experience, being a refugee from Vietnam with his young wife and daughter surviving with their lives to be so selfish with my own flesh and blood first daughter.
  • Ник:melbourne
  • День рождения:6.1
  • Сейчас проживает в:Австралия, Melbourne
  • Родной город:Not min3
  • Источники вдохновения:It's legality itself I have a problem with. And now you know why I consider myself an anarchist. I hate governments, corporations and military and I wish they would go to some far off planet to do their deeds rather than fuck with my little corner of the universe.
  • Главное в людях:доброта и честность
  • Главное в жизни:семья и дети
  • Отношение к курению:положительное


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:


  • Интересы:

    CDC estimates mortality rate is 0.4%, significantly lower than previously reported https://www.wcnc.com/mobile/article/news/health/coronavirus/data-cdc-estimates-covid-19-mortality-rate/275-fc43f37f-6764-45e3-b615-123459f0082b And if mask are so effective then why werent we instructed to wear them back in 2018 when Tuberculosis killed over 1.5 million people including over 200 thousand children https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/tuberculosis? There is zero scientific proof that the virus is spread by A-symptomatic people and they arent able to provide a study that even proves their claims but yet we have a reputable scientific study that proves A-symptomatic people DONT spread the virus so you can use your imagination to figure out why the media hasnt reported on this https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32513410/ World Health Organization states as of april 2nd there has been no documented A-symptomatic transmission https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dlb52zwkddgCNqYEAFth6UYpDy6AoLhG/view

  • Любимая музыка:

    It's legality itself I have a problem with. And now you know why I consider myself an anarchist. I hate governments, corporations and military and I wish they would go to some far off planet to do their deeds rather than fuck with my little corner of the universe

  • Любимые фильмы:

    It's legality itself I have a problem with. And now you know why I consider myself an anarchist. I hate governments, corporations and military and I wish they would go to some far off planet to do their deeds rather than fuck with my little corner of the universe

  • Любимые книги:

    It's legality itself I have a problem with. And now you know why I consider myself an anarchist. I hate governments, corporations and military and I wish they would go to some far off planet to do their deeds rather than fuck with my little corner of the universe

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Really is this still an option?

  • Любимые цитаты:

    It's legality itself I have a problem with. And now you know why I consider myself an anarchist. I hate governments, corporations and military and I wish they would go to some far off planet to do their deeds rather than fuck with my little corner of the universe.


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