Архитектура. Басист группы NesCreator
Хостел, Бухта Радости, Noelani, Materia, Hostel, Mars Attaquera, ---------------------- A Plea For Purging, As I Lay Dying, Neaera, Heaven Shall Burn, The Black Dahlia Murder, Lamb Of God, --------------------------- Sikth, Protest the hero, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge, Meshuggah, ------------------- Belphegor, In Flames, Prodigy, Raunchy, DeathKlok, Deftones, Hurra Torpedo, Mars Volta, HoRsE the BaNd, The Fall of Troy, Mudvayne, Korn, Slipknot, --------------- mathcore, math metal