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Jane Volturi

Была в онлайне 23 марта 2012 в 06:32:57

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  • VK ссылка:id161766508
  • О себе:And her brother Alec the Italian city of Volterry was born near. Their parents were nothing the remarkable townspeople, not differing the big condition. It is impossible to tell that children since the childhood have been surrounded by care and love - parents have been compelled to work since early morning till the late evening, to time for the babe and its brother doesn't remain absolutely. Besides, the father almost always embittered and angry, quite often broke the rage on the wife and children. All In a word, couldn't come to an end it good. Mother of twins who completely not wasn't famous for health, couldn't sustain so severe life and has died, when to Alec was for 5 years. The death of mother, unique, concerning them with kindness and understanding, has broken them. And in the meantime, the father continued to behave with brutality, without paying attention to how in due course its children change, and is far not to the best. From the moment of death of mother, heart cruelty and embitternment has crept in, but not such what was felt by the father - at it it was unaccountable and not quite comprehended. Gave the report to itself in the acts, she passionately wished to sweep for death of mum and for all that pain which throughout many years was brought by the unfortunate father to it and Alec. But what it could make? After all to it at that point in time was only 12... Life all became heavier. Since 13 years the father has started to force to work and children. For any fault punished. Punishments was much. And each time they all became worse. And already and speech didn't go about a pardon - has for ever begun to hate the father. But it was immensely glad to that it had Alec. Now without the brother she wouldn't stretch also couple of months. Having matured, they became unseparable.And here, ours has knocked 18. What has changed for these years spent in one walls with the hated father? Anything. He also cruelly addressed with the girl, as before, has become embittered even more, and even grown up brother Alec not always could stop it. In one of such ill-starred days, has again got from the father... And to Alec too. Even more than to it. The father somewhere has left, and twins were one in the house. Flared for anger and hatred. This minute it was ready to kill the father. To it was to spit that to it for it will be. She wished it death. It scrolled all these thoughts, being in a subconscious state. She knew that in such condition won't bring any harm to the father. Now it was necessary to run. They with Alec have left the house. They went in Volterru. If its reason was as it should be, she would understand that this idea is absurd, but now... She couldn't think soberly. It was necessary to sit out, come to the senses somewhere... Certainly, they haven't reached Volterry. Have fallen somewhere in woods. And their hope has died during this moment. Well, it is better to die, than to lead such life. They with Alec at last will see mum, it for certain them was tired of waiting... Has seen before itself a silhouette. Whose? Who could wander at such o'clock per dangerous woods of Volterry? Somebody was inclined over it. Has come nearer. It has felt on herself fresh breath and has literally felt, as this somebody tries "to read it". She as if felt it in the голоове. Here it would be a high time to be frightened, but it hasn't made. Actions of its stranger haven't frightened, and have angered. She has felt again that hatred burning it from within any more first year, hatred to the father. The stranger has shuddered, but hasn't uttered words. As well as. She only stuck into a silhouette a spiteful causing sight. She was ready to die, but to die with a shame it is exact not about it.Suddenly the stranger has quietly grinned and again has come nearer.
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Volterra
  • Родной город:Volturi
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные
  • Религиозные убеждения:Вампиризм
  • Главное в людях:власть и богатство
  • Главное в жизни:красота и искусство
  • Отношение к курению:негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:негативное


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    I serve Aro its handy in a place with the brother

  • Интересы:

    Only services of Aro

  • Любимая музыка:

    Under moods and so I prefer fate and threw

  • Любимые фильмы:

    A little I watch TV

  • Любимые книги:

    Different but thanking there is no time to read affairs

  • Любимые телешоу:

    A little I watch TV

  • Любимые цитаты:

    It will be a little sick"

    "The decision. The decision. The decision."

    "And it to solve not to you".

    "Aro has sent to learn..."

    "That us doesn't kill all, does more strongly"

    "Give Felix, I want home"

    "As well as all vampires I am fine, but on especial-on cruel"

Опыт работы и образование

  • I.T.C.G. F. Niccolini


  • Jane Volturi фотография #1
  • Jane Volturi фотография #2
  • Jane Volturi фотография #3
  • Jane Volturi фотография #4
  • Jane Volturi фотография #5
  • Jane Volturi фотография #6
  • Jane Volturi фотография #7
  • Jane Volturi фотография #8
  • Jane Volturi фотография #9
  • Jane Volturi фотография #10
  • Jane Volturi фотография #11
  • Jane Volturi фотография #12
  • Jane Volturi фотография #13
  • Jane Volturi фотография #14
  • Jane Volturi фотография #15
  • Jane Volturi фотография #16
  • Jane Volturi фотография #17
  • Jane Volturi фотография #18
  • Jane Volturi фотография #19
  • Jane Volturi фотография #20
  • Jane Volturi фотография #21
  • Jane Volturi фотография #22
  • Jane Volturi фотография #23
  • Jane Volturi фотография #24
  • Jane Volturi фотография #25
  • Jane Volturi фотография #26
  • Jane Volturi фотография #27