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Je Taime

Была в онлайне 20 декабря 2009 в 06:54:54

Проверка страницы Taime Je ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 46

  • VK ссылка:id53747668
  • О себе:[♥.ღ .Too complex to be accessible, too strange to be your ... too innocent to be a criminal, too dear to be nichey.Kogo something waiting ... Someone former .... Someone future .... Today, loving, terribly sweet, but tomorrow flattering and indifferent ... to live ... I am not hurrying - this ... forgive me .. and do not take offense .. I am so I am.. I can not change ..: P It always amazed at all ... so it really was ... It is not at all, whether it is beautiful. And not even that, wondering whether her communicate. Simply it is this. Some women enough once walk down the street, to remain in the memory of passers-by for ever ... It has thousands of photos and it is always different. Do not know what she had in mind, never even impossible to be sure that it fully tvoyaღMy not find the words and put smiles. We are afraid to say ... and put the virtual heart. On the status of "online" we react as if the person next to us .- How are [♥.ღ .Too complex to be accessible, too strange to be your ... too innocent to be a criminal, too dear to be nichey.Kogo something waiting ... Someone former .... Someone future .... Today, loving, terribly sweet, but tomorrow flattering and indifferent ... to live ... I am not hurrying - this ... forgive me .. and do not take offense .. I am so I am.. I can not change ..: P It always amazed at all ... so it really was ... It is not at all, whether it is beautiful. And not even that, wondering whether her communicate. Simply it is this. Some women enough once walk down the street, to remain in the memory of passers-by for ever ... It has thousands of photos and it is always different. Do not know what she had in mind, never even impossible to be sure that it fully tvoyaღMy not find the words and put smiles. We are afraid to say ... and put the virtual heart. On the status of "online" we react as if the person next to us .- How are you going to live without him? - ... Like all ... menshe.Ya not only a magician, I have yet to learn. And the trick is not to be bored without you "- I have not yet obtained .. And I love to roller skate, - ... Like all ... menshe.Ya not only a magician, I have yet to learn. And the trick is not to be bored without you "- I have not yet obtained .. And I love to roller skate, skateboard ... So I'm the girl of your dreams .ღ .♥]. ╔══╗♫ ║██║ ║(О)║♥ music-my life =)) ╚══╝ ★Люблю под дождём ♥ ★босиком танцевать ★Люблю и поспать ♥ ★Люблю помечтать ♥ ★Люблю посмеяться ♥ ★Люблю эту жизнь ♥ ★Люблю пообщаться ♥ ★Люблю апельсины ♥ ★Люблю шоколад ♥ ★Красивые лица ♥ ★И радостный взгляд ♥
  • День рождения:11.12
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Санкт-Петербург
  • Родной город:ღ City shattered hopes ...ღ
  • Личный вэб-сайт:http://vkontakte.ru/id53747668
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные
  • Религиозные убеждения:Живи и люби,чего ещё надо.


    Интересы и хобби

    • Деятельность:

      .ღ...I'm learning in school ....ღ

    • Интересы:

      ..ღ..Basketball, dreams, clothes, style, beauty ... dance dram..ღ ``````SSooooo```````````````````````````SSSSS, ````SSSS8Sooooo````````````````````````SSSSSSS, ````SSSSSS8S8ooo``````````````````````SSSSSSSSS, ````SSSSSoS8SS8oo````````````````````SSSSSSSSSS, `````SSSSSo8S8S8o```````````````````SSSSSSSSSS, `````SSSSSSoS8S8oo`````````````````SSSSSSSSSS, ``````SSSSSSoS8S8o`````````````````SSSSSSSSS, ``````SSSSSSoS8Soo````````````````SSSSSSS, ````````SSSSSSS8oo```````````````SSSSSSSS, `````````SSSSoS8oo```````````````SSSSSSS, ``````````SSSSS8oo```````````````SSSSS, ````````````SSSS, ``````````````````ooooooooooooo, `````````````888oooo```````````oooo, ````````````8oooo`````````````````oooo, ``````````888oo``````````````````````oo, `````````888oo`````````````````````````o, ````````8888oo``````````````````````````o, ````````8888oooo`````````````````oooooo`oo, ````````888`````o```````````````oo`````ooo, ````````88``$$$$`o``````````````o`$$$$``oo, ````````88``$$$$`o``````````````o`$$$$``oo, ````````888`````oo``````````````oo`````ooo, ````````8888ooooo`````````````````ooooo`oo, ````````88888`````SSSSSSSSSS````````````o, ````````88888```SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS```````oo, `````````8888``SSS--SSSSSSSS--SSSS``````oo, `````````8888```SSS--------------SSSS``````oo, ``````````888888SSSSS-------SSSSSS``````oo, ``````````o888888SSSSSSSSSSSSSS``````ooo, ``````````o8888888SSSSSSSSSSSS``````ooo, ```````````o8888888888SSSSSSSS`````oooo, ```````````o8888888888SSSSSSSS```ooooo, ```````````oo88888888888oooooooooooooo, ``````````ooooo88888888888ooooooo`````o, `````````oo````````````````````````````oo, ```````ooo```````````````````````````````o, ``````ooo``oooo```````````````````````````o, ``````oo``oo8ooo```````````````````````````o, `````ooo``o888oo```SSSSSSSS`````````ooo````oo, ````ooo``8888ooo`SSSSSSSSSSSSSS``````ooo````oo, ```ooo``88888oooooSSSSSSSSSSSSSS``````ooo````o, ```oo```88888ooo8ooSSSSSSSSSSSSSS``````oo````o, ```o````88888oo888ooSSSSSSSSSSSSSS`````ooo```oo, ``oo````888888oo888ooSSSSSSSSSSSSS`````ooo````o, ``oo````888888o888888S8SSSSSSSSSSSS````ooo````o, ``o``ooo888888888888888SS8S8S8S8SSS````oo`o```o, `oo``o``888888888888888888888888SSSoooooo`oo``oo, `oo`o`````88888888888888888888888S8ooooo````o``o, ``ooo`````888888888888888888888888oooooo````oo`o, ```o```````888ooooo88888888888oo`````oo``````o`o, ```````````88ooo````ooo8``88oo````````o```````o, ```````````88oooo````o88``888ooo``````o, ```````````8888888888888``8888888888888

    • Любимая музыка:

      ..ღ... Amatory, CD, Midway, Pitbull, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Crazy Town, Kazantip, Tecktonik, Rise up, Bumboks, Basses, Shtaket, afterburner, Podium, Tanya-wreck feeling, Beasts, Taxi, DJ, T9-Ode to Our Love, tickets, my love.... Music: ..........██████████ 100%

    • Любимые фильмы:

      .. ..ღ..... Very much ....ღ Встретились как-то Любовь и Дружба. Любовь спросила: - Зачем на свете нужна ты, если есть я? Дружба ответила ей: - Чтобы оставлять улыбку там, где ты оставляешь слёзы

    • Любимые книги:

      ღ What a pity that I don `t know what will happen in this tale more .. ღ

    • Любимые телешоу:

      .. ღ ... not fond of ... ღ ____*SSSSS8o*____________________________________ _______oSSS8SSS8o*________________________________ _________8S8__*8SSS8*_____________________________ __________8S8_____oSS8*___________________________ ___________SS*______oS8___________________________ ___________8So______*S8___________________________ ___________oS8_______SS___________________________ ___________oSo_______oSS__________________________ ___________oSo________oSSo________________________ ___________8S8__________8SS8*_____________________ ____________8S8___________oSSS8*__________________ _____________8So_____________oSSSo________________ ______________SS_______________*8SSo______________ ______________SS_________________oSS8______*****__ _____________*SS_______________oSSSS****8SSSSSSSS8 _____________8So____________o8SS8*8SSSSSSo*____*SS ____________*SS________*o8SSS8**oSS8*_________oSS* ____________SS*____*o8SSS8o*o8SSSo_________*8SS8__ ___________8So*o8SSS88o*o88SSSo*________*8SSSo____ __________oS8_oS8ooo88SSS8o*________*8SSSSo*______ _________*SS888SSSSS8o*_______*o88SSSSo*__________ ____*o__*SSS88oo*_______*oo8SSSSS8o*______________ __oSSS*__________*oo8SSSSSS8o*____________________ oSS8*____*oo8SSSSSSS8o**__________________________ SSS88SSSSSS88o**__________________________________, _________________**************___________________ ____________*oo***___________********_____________ __________oo*_______________________*****_________ _________8*_____________________________*oo_______ ________8____________________________oSSSooo______ _______8____________________________8SSSSS_o*_____ ______8*________________**__________SSSSSS*_8_____ _____oo______________oSSSSS8*_______SSSSSSS_oo____ ____*8_____________oSSSSSSSSSo______8SSSSSS8_8____ ____8*____________SSSSSSSSSSSS*______8SSSSSS**o___ ____8____________SSSSSSSSSSSSS________*o88o*__8___ ___*o___________8SSSSSSSSSSSS*____8_8*________8___ ___*o__o________SSSSSSSSSSSS*____*o___________o*__ ____8__o*_______*8SSSSSSSSo___________________8___ ____*o_*oo________**ooo*______________________8___ _____*o__oo________________________________*_8o___ ______*8*__88___________________________*_*oo8____ ________oo_**oo_*___________________*_oooo_*o_____ _________*oo_*__oo_**__________*_*o*8***_*o*______ ___________*o**_**_**_oo***8**So**o_*_**o*________ _______________*******_o__*___**_******___________ ____________________**************________________

    • Любимые цитаты:

      ღ "true love does not need words to her important presence. Anyone who loves, knows what is physical intimacy of a loved one. To feel that he's around that he was there - it is much more than to believe his beautiful words and fervent vows. . ღ.

      ..ღ.Time heals everything. But the cure - not to forget. ..ღ.Time heals everything. But the cure - not to forget. It means to remember, but to be able to live on ...ღ....

      ღ.razdrazhenie.takoe strong that prick tips paltsev.chelkoy close your eyes, turn off the sound on your phone, and without any explanation of hysteria, hysteria, hysteria ..ღ.

      ღ.. .. "Shout - hear anyone Whisper - will hear next, but only a true friend hears you when you say something ..ღ.."

      ღ..“Love, in the same direction, do not let yourself and others love the left and right. One life, and love - even more so. ღ..“

      ღYou can grieve in different ways: you can lie all day in bed, do not eat, drink ... And you can walk on the heels of clubs and lie to all that you are well .ღ..

      ღWhenever I go to my entrance, go down the stairs to the subway, turn the road to the other side, leaving the university, turning the corners of houses, I want only one, that you waited for me there!ღ

      ღThose who can help - out of reach I'm in the center of the city, both on the edge and want to yell across ღThose who can help - out of reach I'm in the center of the city, both on the edge and want to yell across contrary: Save me, I did not get up without your hands.

      ღLove does not mean to cry, and cry to love without reciprocal ..ღ.

      ღ. Only a few words can ubit.no if you believe in love ... is still live .ღ. ..

      ღI so wanted to die at your hands, that she missed the moment when your hands are no longer ... You keep me - my last loss, because from now on - I decided - I will not lose any more!ღ

      ღI'll call, I you live, I'll be there ..... in the cold, snow and rain, if you go ... I'll be there .ღ..

      ღLove? Hating? What is the difference ... The main thing to each other.ღ

      ღ Love as a light bulb - at first it vkruchiayut then included, then rejoice in the light that emanates from her, pulling her hands to warm, baked, and then is someone that is sure to turn off the light bulb twist off and break, ღ Love as a light bulb - at first it vkruchiayut then included, then rejoice in the light that emanates from her, pulling her hands to warm, baked, and then is someone that is sure to turn off the light bulb twist off and break, but the memory of the beautiful light is forever .ღ ..

      ღWe played with love a lot of games, but I did not know the rules.ღ

      [♥ We are too late to realize that love those who are losing .... ♥].

    Опыт работы и образование

    • № 309
    • ♥Я хочу занять немного больше места в твоем сердце♥
    • Класс: а

