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Jesus Christ

Был в онлайне 11 октября 2023 в 05:06:33

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Число подписчиков: 100

  • VK ссылка:id44772550
  • О себе:Сведения Иисуса Христа Я Господь Иисус Христос Господь Бог создал человека, эта книга создал (Ветхий Завет + Откровение) также, чтобы человек знал и признал ему. Эта книга пророческая, а не историческая, который написал Господь Бог, во время создание мира, своими руками, (потому что он может это делать, ведь он создал человека) Откровения последняя книга (ведь Новый Завет фиктивный) потому что Библия, Ветхий Завет, состоять из различного сорта книг (более 1000 глав и 43 заголовок). Из Откровении Иоанн, это тот же Иоанн, из книги Маккавейская ... I am the LORD Jesus Christ! Truth! The Lord God created man, created this book (Old Testament + Revelation) also that people knew and recognized him. This book is prophetic, rather than historical, which has written Lord God, during the creation of world, their own hands, (because he can do it, because he created man) latest book of Revelation (New Testament in fact fictitious) because the Bible, Old Testament, Consist of different sorts of books (more than 1000 chapters and 43 headline). Of Revelation John, is the same John, from the book Maccabees, which is the smallest, and that I, as John and Jesus Christ, this is the same person. Book of Maccabees penultimate book is the Bible, who do not have many Bibles. Bible is almost 4000 years of history of prophetic, advanced, and this prophetic history is torn off sense between books of Revelation and the Maccabees, nearly thirty years, these thirty years a clean sheet which my life and your life, these 4000 years of history, too prophetic. The prophetic story of Jesus Christ is not written in the Bible as the written history of the prophetic book of David separately from the psalm, David and Jesus Christ, the same person. The so-called Jews took Bible as its own history, which can not be, because this book is prophetic, allegoric, rather than historical, from beginning to end, even invent a name for its city from Bible, calling it Jerusalem, and the so-called apostles of thought and stole the names book of Revelation and invented New Testament. Noah Ark is a Bible that God created and I built, I Noah and the prophet Moses and Aaron and the prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah, which will be you, your families, your children and wives, you withdraw from the Egyptian (allegoric, which the whole world) of land, it is a miracle, a new, which the Lord God is our father, would do for us who believe that my said, and will be a new city, holy Jerusalem. I tell you, all peoples of the world and all peoples of Government and the President, those who hear my words, will release my people, Israel, where those who believe my words, but if not then make your head will fall one strikes which is written in this book, in the bible, so it will be, will in all possible means to say all this and show that I wrote and testified. First man were not Adam and Eve, because Adam and Eve this prophecy. The Lord God created man male and female, their nations, all nations created once, at his place. The prophetic story of Alexander the Great, which is written in the Bible, in the book of Maccabees, historians took this as a real story, but it is not because Alexander the Great was not in the past, as Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babel, that's me. God blessing and glory and honor and strength and salvation and Power in the eyelid centuries! Amen.
  • День рождения:1.9.1973
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Ванадзор
  • Родной город:Vanadzor
  • Личный вэб-сайт:http://about.me/zhirayr.ghazarosyan


Интересы и хобби

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    Исаия 11... 1 И произойдет отрасль от корня Иессеева, и ветвь произрастет от корня его; 2 и почиет на нем Дух Господень, дух премудрости и разума, дух совета и крепости, дух ведения и благочестия;


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