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John Cena

Был в онлайне 14 декабря 2021 в 07:02:46

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  • VK ссылка:id63526031
  • О себе:Let’s be honest: hailing from the rolling hills and broad valleys that constitute West Newbury, Mass., will likely never earn you “street cred”--unless, of course, you’re John Cena. Then again, it didn’t happen overnight for him, either. Long before he became the Dr. of Thuganomics, young Cena had to endure the neighborhood rocker kids’ taunts about his baggy pants and rayon Kwamé shirts. His love for freestyling lyrics about rebellion and individualism just didn’t fit within the small rural community. By the time he turned 15, however, those same kids would stop teasing him, for it became apparent that Cena had been developing another passion: hitting the gym. After applying to more than 60 colleges (and being accepted by 58), Cena attended Massachusetts’ Springfield College, where he excelled as a Division III All-American offensive lineman and team captain for the Pride. But as much as he fondly remembers his college football accomplishments, he’s equally as proud of earning his degree in Exercise Physiology, which he attributes to making him a smarter, more durable performer in the ring today. Though a huge WWE fan since childhood, rooting for heroes like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, and Shawn Michaels, Cena had honestly never even considered a career in WWE. Instead, he flew out to California in 2000, to pursue a profession in bodybuilding (a move he now admits to making simply because his father had told him he wouldn’t make it out there). But while working behind the counter of Gold’s Gym in Venice, a discussion with a wrestler-in-training encouraged Cena to enroll in classes at Ultimate Pro Wrestling. He was instantly hooked, and became motivated to learn everything he could about his newfound craft. He obviously proved a quick study; within a year, World Wrestling Entertainment signed Cena to a developmental contract to train at Ohio Valley Wrestling. By June 2002, he had joined the SmackDown roster, and less than a year later headlined the first of what has since become countless main-event matches. That said, Cena has never forgotten his roots. In fact, remembering where he came from has helped him evolve into the man he is today: a well-versed hip-hop artist, a successful movie star and a blue-collared Chain Gang Soldier who’s always ready to fight. In his jean shorts and Under Armour Proto Power sneakers, he leads his WWE fan-based army into battle with the mission statement he’s been down with since Day One: hustle, loyalty and respect! HOUSTON – John Cena, one of Make-A-Wish Foundation’s most-requested and devoted celebrity Wish granters, was named Wish Ambassador Saturday at Reliant Center, just one day before he’ll battle Big Show and World Heavyweight Champion Edge at the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania. As a Wish Ambassador, the Raw Superstar will serve on Make-A-Wish Foundation’s Wish Ambassador Council and assist in expanding Wish-granting outreach across the United States. (PHOTOS) (WATCH) “I really appreciate the fact that I was invited to be here with all of you guys,” Cena said. “I just want to say thank you to make a Wish for making me a Wish Ambassador. This is a charity I firmly believe in. As I told Make-A-Wish, as long they’ll have me, I’ll be happy to donate my time, effort, whatever they need.” Led by basketball legend and Chief Wish Ambassador Michael Jordan, the council is composed of people passionate about the Foundation’s work, including the Make-A-Wish founders, celebrities and national sports figures, former Wish children, Wish parents and other Foundation supporters. Cena is the first celebrity to be named to join Jordan on the Wish Ambassador Council. “I’m here today to tell you about our newest Wish Ambassador. He’s a WWE Superstar who quickly became one of our most requested celebrity Wish granters. He has granted nearly 130 Wishes since 2004, which is pretty phenomenal if you ask me,” said Kathy Forshey, Vice President of
  • День рождения:23.4.1977
  • Сейчас проживает в:США, New York City
  • Родной город:WEST-Niyuberi, Massachusetts, USA
  • Личный вэб-сайт:http://www.wwe.com/
  • Политические взгляды:умеренные
  • Религиозные убеждения:WWE


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    I am wwe superstar and wwe champion.I am a hip-hop competitor, write my own rap, act in different films! Сина начал серьезно тренироваться в 2000 году в калифорнийском промоушне Ultimate Pro Wrestling (UPW). Именно там он создал свое неизменное амплуа – рэппера по кличке Прототип. Позже он подписал развивающийся контракт с WWE и был зачислен в тренировочную организацию - Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW). В течение довольно успешной карьеры в OVW Джон также принял участие в реальном шоу UPN «Manhunt» под псевдонимом «Big Tim Kingman». На шоу он был главным в команде охотников, задача которых была преследовать участников шоу и стрелять в них краской из пейнтбольных ружей. Это шоу снималось с участием WWE, и почти все сцены были заранее спланированы и переснимались, для участников даже писались сценарии. Реальные шоу не предусматривают никаких сценариев, поэтому из-за шоу разразился большой скандал. С тех пор WWE предпочитает не вспоминать этот проект и умалчивает об участии Джона Сины в этом шоу. Первым телевизионным матчем Сины был матч против Курта Англа 27 июня 2002, а первым матчем платной программы стал матч против Криса Джерико в Чикаго. Теперь Джон Сина отбросил свое прозвище – «Прототип» и впредь выступал под своим настоящим именем. Зато сам характер его персонажа никак не изменился. Позже он плавно перешел в гиммик белого рэппера. Сперва фанаты были от него не в восторге, но позже остроумные и харизматичные высказывания Сины взяли свое – он стал главным фаворитом организации. Когда Сина подкатил к пику своей карьеры, он начал враждовать с Броком Лезнаром за главный титул WWE. Во время это вражды родился знаменитый коронный прием Сины - F-U. Этот прием на самом деле был своеобразный пародией на коронный прием Лезнара - F-5. Их вражда к передаче титула не привела, но зато изрядно затянулась и породила еще один коронный жест Джона Сины «you can't see me», во время которого он нависал над нок-даунированным соперником и махал ладонью у него перед лицом. После командного матча на Survivor Series в 2003 году их вражда наконец-то прекратилась. Впрочем, после этого им приходилось встречаться еще несколько раз, но уже в борьбе за титул США. В начале 2004 года Джон Сина участвовал в королевской битве, в результате которой Биг Шоу выкинул Сину за ринг. Тогда Сина завязал с ним вражду, которая вытекла в матч на РестлМании 20, где Сина наконец-то выиграл долгожданный титул США. Но уже в июле генеральный менеджер СмэкДауна – Курт Англ отсудил у него титул. Сина не отчаялся. В октябре того же года на платной программе No Mercy он снова отыграл титул у Букера Ти. Но и на этот раз Сина долго этот титул не продержал. На следующей же неделе он проиграл его Карлито. В течение вражды с Карлито было объявлено, что в бостонском ночном клубе на Джона Сину напал Иисус, телохранитель Карлито и нанес ему серьезные травмы, из-за которых Сина не появлялся на телевидении целый месяц. На самом деле месяц Сине потребовался для съемок в фильме «The Marine». Вернувшись в рестлинг, Сина продолжил мстить Карлито и отвоевал у него титул США уже в третий раз. Именно тогда Сина ввел свой новый пояс с вертушкой, который был сделан для него на заказ. 3 апреля 2005 на РестлМании-21 в Лос-Анджелесе Сина выиграл свой первый главный титул WWE у Джона Брэдшоу Лейфилда. Этот пояс Сина тоже решил немного приукрасить, как и свой бывший пояс США, поставив в середине вертушку с логотипом WWE. Тогда JBL где-то откопал старый титул WWE и объявил, что он все еще является главным чемпионом WWE. Чтобы в очередной раз доказать Брэдшоу, что он ошибается, Сина встретился с ним на матче на Judgment Day в мае и отыграл у него оригинальный титул WWE. Но даже после этого, он упрямо продолжил носить свой пояс с вертушкой. В июне была произведена повторная жеребьевка, в результате которой Сину перевели из команды «SmackDown!» в команду «RAW». Не успел он появиться на RAW, как генеральный менеджер, Эрик Бишофф, начал точить на него зубы и всячески помогал Крису Джерико отобрать у Сины его главный титул. 25 июля Сина и Джерико решили провести первое в своем роде сос

  • Интересы:

    Bodybuilging I like to make STF, like to be the best in my bussiness, like to strengthen my body, like to spend my time with family!

  • Любимая музыка:

    In addition to my wrestling career, I am an hip hop musician. I performed my fifth WWE theme song, "Basic Thugonomics, " mymself, and it was featured on the WWE soundtrack album WWE Originals. I also recorded a song, "Untouchables", for the company's next soundtrack album WWE ThemeAddict: The Music, Vol. 6. I collaborated on the song H-U-S-T-L-E remix along with MURS, E-40, and Chingo Bling MY debut album, You Can't See Me, was recorded with his cousin Tha Trademarc. It features, amongst other songs, his entrance theme, "The Time is Now", and the single "Bad, Bad Man", for which a music video was made that parodied 1980s culture, including the television show The A-Team. A video was also made for the second single, "Right Now, " and premiered on the August 8 Raw. I and Tha Trademarc were later featured on a track by The Perceptionists named "Champion Scratch."Promotion for the album lead to me being the only professional wrestler to ever perform on BBC Two's long running Top of the Pops. Albums You Can't See Me Released: May 10, 2005 Chart positions: 15 U.S. Billboard 200, 10 U.S. Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums, 3 U.S. Rap, 103 UK Albums Chart Singles: "The Time Is Now", "Bad Bad Man" (featuring Bumpy Knuckles), "Right Now" !

  • Любимые фильмы:

    " Star wars " In 2001, between my training in Ultimate Pro Wrestling and Ohio Valley Wrestling, I was involved in the UPN produced reality show Manhunt. I portrayed Big Tim Kingman, leader of the group of bounty hunters who chased down the contestants who acted as fugitives. The show, however, was mired in controversy when it was alleged that the portions of the show were rigged to eliminate certain players, scenes were re-shot or staged to enhance drama and contestants read from scripts. I was also featured on the ABC reality series Fast Cars and Superstars: The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race, which aired in June 2007, making it to the final round before being eliminated on June 24, placing third in the competition overall. In 2007 I was also interviewed for the CNN Special Investigations Unit documentary, "Death Grip: Inside Pro Wrestling", which focused on steroid and drug use in professional wrestling. When asked if he had taken steroids I was heard to reply, "I can't tell you that I haven't, but you'll never prove that I have. The day after the documentary aired WWE accused CNN of taking my comments out of context to present a biased point of view, backing up their claim by posting an unedited video of his answering the same question—filmed by WWE cameras from another angle—in which he is heard beginning the same statement with "Absolutely not".A text interview on the website with melater had me saying the news outlet should apologize for misrepresenting him, which CNN refused in a statement, saying they felt the true answer to the question began with the phrase "My answer to that question"They did, however, edit the documentary on subsequent airings to include the "Absolutely not". I hosted the Australian Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards with Natalie Bassingthwaighte on October 11, 2008 in Melbourne, Australia. I will guest star as Ewan O'Hara in an upcoming episode of the fourth season of the comedy drama Psych, as the brother of Juliet O'Hara, played by Maggie Lawson. I also act in such films as 12 rounds and he maryne !

  • Любимые книги:

    Have no time to read at all but I like to read the magazines with me

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Manhunt wwe monday night raw, also south park

  • Любимые цитаты:

    You Cant See Me"
    Your time is up, my time is now
    You can't see me, my time is now
    It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
    You can't see me, my time is now!
    In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot - knock your shell off
    My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off
    The franchise, doin big bid'ness, I live this
    It's automatic I win this - oh you hear those horns, you finished
    A soldier, and I stay under you fightin
    Plus I'm stormin on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
    Ain't no way you breakin me kid, I'm harder than nails
    Plus I keep it on lock, like I'm part of the jail
    I'm slaughterin stale, competition, I got the whole block wishin
    they could run with my division but they gone fishin -
    - with no bait, kid your boy hold weight
    I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate
    In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot
    you'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
    If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
    Lay yo' ass DOWN for the three second TAN
    Yeah, uhh
    It's gon' be what it's gon' be
    Five pounds of courage buddy, bass tint pants with a gold T
    Uhh - it's a war dance and victory step
    A raw stance is a gift, when you insist it's my rep
    John Cena, Trademarc, y'all are so-so
    And talk about the bread you make but don't know the recipe for dough though
    Aimin guns in all your photos, that's a no-no
    When this pop, you'll liplock, your big talk's a blatant no-show
    See what happens when the ice age melt
    You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps
    I rock a timepiece by Benny if any
    The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all condemn me
    A man's measured by the way that he thinks
    Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks
    I spent 20 plus years seekin knowledge of self
    So for now Marc Predka's livin live for wealth
    Your time is up, my time is now
    You can't see me, my time is now
    It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
    You can't see me, my time is now!

Опыт работы и образование

  • ASA Institute of Business And Computer Technology'01
  • Business
  • Business Administration with Management Information Systems
  • Заочное отделение
  • Выпускник (бакалавр)
  • A. Huddie School'95
  • 1984–1995
  • WWE Champions
  • ,
  • ASA Institute of Business and Computer Technology'01
  • 2001
  • ,
  • ASA Institute of Business and Computer Technology'01
  • 2001
  • ,
  • ASA Institute of Business and Computer Technology'01
  • 2001
  • ,
  • ASA Institute of Business and Computer Technology'01
  • 2001
  • ,
  • ASA Institute of Business and Computer Technology'01
  • 2001
  • ,
  • WWE Raw
  • WWE Champions
  • 2010


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