To my musical tastes, there really isn't any limit. From the local island soca beats of Machel Montano, to the classic 80's rock sounds of Duran Duran, I enjoy it all. I'm also a big fan of Electronic Dance Music in it's various forms. I've also been known to listen to some Garth Brooks, and other country music from time to time, but please don't tell anyone, as I have a reputation to uphold.
As far as movies goes, I'm open to everything. But I'll let you in on three of my dirty little film secrets. I absolutely love bad SciFi movies from the early 1950s. You know the terrible ones with tin foil flying saucers and movie sets so fragile that someone could close a door and the entire set would shake? Those movies are so unbelievably terrible, that I enjoy them tremendously. Another genre that is of sometimes equal note and sometimes equal quality, are those action packed, Kung Fu Movies. From the Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies, to the modern Jet Li and Ip Man series with proper special effects and stunt work, I find great pleasure in watching these films. Beyond these two categories, the only genre that's somewhat out of the ordinary would be those movie classics from the early 40's 50's and 60's, such as Casablanca, Witness for the Prosecution, and African Queen. Other early works I've also enjoyed have been 12 Angry Men, the 39 Steps, and Stalag 17. Yes I know these movies are in black and white, but they are timeless and well worth watching. Some of my all time favorite movies would be, The 1999 remake of the Thomas Crown Affair, Snowpiercer, The Usual Suspects, the Great Race, Ender's Game, and the Dark Knight Rises.
My reading style is mostly non fiction. I read a tremendous amount of philosophy and theology books about the human condition, and our part in the cosmos. What little fiction I have read, includes the Lord of the Rings collection, the Harry Potter Series, the Ender's Series, Sherlock Holmes, the Narnia Series, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, the works of Shakespeare and a few odd books in between.
As for my Television habits, there is no much of note. I enjoy the usual SciFi series, Star Trek, Stargate, Firefly, and Doctor Who I also enjoy watching, Lie to me, Breaking Bad, Suits, Top Gear, NCIS, House of Cards, Arrow, The Flash and Game of Thrones. On the lighter side of TV sitcoms, I really only watch the Big Bang Theory, but if I happen to catch an episode of South Park or the Simpsons, I'll take those in also. I don't give a lot of time to television, but these are the shows of note.