Singing, like tennis, basketball, puteshestvovat.Ne always, but like gastroli.I more. Петь, люблю теннис, баскетбол, путешествовать.Не всегда, но нравятся гастроли.И многое другое
Asher, Chris Brown
10 Things i hate about you, 90210, Are we there yet, Chuck, Crusoe, Drake and Josh, Everybody hates Chris, Fallen, FlashForward, Friends, Glee, Greek, High school musical, How i met your mother, Jonas Brothers (living the drem), Kyle XY, Legend of the Seeker, Lie to me, Lost, Make it or brake it, Melrose Place, Prison Break, Reaper, Roommates, Shark, Skins, Smallville, Spartacus, Still Standing, Supernatural, The Big Bang Theory, The Hard Times Of RJ Berger, The Pacific, The Secret Life of the american teenager, The Vampire Diaries, V(Visitor