профорг в группе ...., любимая фраза: "А когда будут проездные?" и "А проезднных еще нет?", Тренинг НЛП, ice skating)))))))
I don’t need the compass to find you your heart beat would lead my way. I don’t need the sun to find you your smile would light my way. I don’t need the ocean to find you my tears would wash my way. I don’t need the wind to find you your voice would whisper my way. I don’t need the moon to find you your eyes would shine my way. But, if I never find my way I would perish.... my soul would find its way...
Gipsy Kings, Craig Armstrong, RHCP, Shakira, Yanny Hrisomalis, Goran Bregovic, Imogen Heap
Cruel intentions, Pride and Prejudice, Knocking on Heaven`s Door, Return to Never Land, Brother Bear, Babel, English patient, Жестокий романс!!!
"Kirkland Revels" Victoria Holt, , "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austen, , Анна Ахматова
каждый думает в меру своей распущенности)
Да, босс)))
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