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Kirby Olsen

Был в онлайне 10 апреля 2024 в 07:24:48

Проверка страницы Olsen Kirby ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 21

  • VK ссылка:id638977318
  • О себе:https://bully.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Кирби_Олсен https://bullyfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Kirby_Olsen https://muc.fandom.com/wiki/Kirby_Olsen
  • Ник:kirbyolsen
  • День рождения:3.1
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Philadelphia
  • Родной город:Bullworth


Актуальный статус

It's poundcake time!!!

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    качок, ученик Булвортской академии

  • Интересы:

    спорт, американский футбол, бейсбол, хоккей, надирать задницы ботанам

  • Любимая музыка:

    мой плейлист

  • Любимые фильмы:

    лень перечислять

  • Любимые цитаты:

    Mission Dialogue
    Hey, up there! On the balcony!
    Earnest, your mother wants you to call her.
    Can't hear youuuu!
    Get him off the stage!
    Check out the chump!
    Haha! Look, it's Jimmy Jenkins! Hopkins, whatever his name is...
    Obviously she's afraid of real men like us. Hahaha!
    Hahaha! You're puny!
    See? Told you he was a weakling!
    Where did those jerks go?
    Hey look at this. Maybe it's a switch or something.
    Cool! Come on, there's gotta be more. Let's find 'em!
    I don't get it.
    There's gotta be a way to do this.
    Hopkins, what are you doing here?
    Hahahaha... hhaaaahhhhh!
    This place sucks. Let's get out of here!
    Mommy! I'm scared!
    This is not fun anymore!
    I can't get out!
    I'm shut in!
    I feel so lost.
    That didn't hurt!
    Ow. I mean... hahaha!
    Let's go Kirby!
    Don't be afraid. Just go!
    I don't like this at all.
    Why did I go to this stupid Fun House?
    Hell yeahhh!
    Hey man, leave the Bullworth Bull alone!
    Only Jocks beat the Bull!
    You still any good mascot?
    Dance. Now.
    Nice work mascot boy.
    Hahaha! Okay, you're off the hook!
    Alright guys. Let's hit the showers.
    You know what happens when you screw up!
    I'll give you a little reminder to not suck!
    I am so gonna kick ass in this game. I'm on the top of my game.
    Heads up Ted!
    That is her for sure. I recognize the mole on her back.
    Oh I guess Mandy isn't just for the team anymore.
    Someone's gonna pay for this. Later.
    Hey! I was looking at that you jerk.
    Yeah. If anyone sees it you get in trouble.
    Somebody help me!
    Ah! I'm stuck!
    I'm getting out of here.
    Jimmy! Over here!
    Thanks Jimmy!
    The gym! How could you do it!?
    Suggesting to provide protection
    I'll watch your back, Hopkins.
    Don't worry. Kirby will keep you safe.
    ALLY About to Leave
    I'm through being your bodyguard, Hopkins!
    I'm tired of this stupid bouncer job!
    ALLY Help Me
    HEY! He needs help!
    Help him out!
    When passing the ball
    Getting knocked off bike
    That sucks.
    Comment on successful bike trick
    Nothing special...
    I can do that!
    Comment on failed attempt at trick
    Hahaha! Now that's funny!
    Hahaha! I wish I can rewind it and see it again!
    Stealing a bike
    Move it, wimp!
    That's mine, wimp!
    Has bike stolen from
    I'll be back, wimp!
    Lucky shot!
    Winning a fight
    Woo aha! K-I-R-B-Y!
    Bumped Into
    Friendly Terms
    Oh, sorry.
    Excuse me.
    Unfriendly Terms
    Do you want your face pounded in?!
    How do you like me to pound you?!
    Are you an idiot?!
    Get off, moron!
    Watch it, wimp!
    Hey, spaz!
    Get off me, spaz!
    (After Jimmy's expelled) Oohhh I'm gonna pound you, loser!
    Bumped into Townie
    Ugh! What's that smell?!
    Bumped into Greaser
    Disgusting hair, jerk!
    Bumped into Nerd
    Wanna die?
    Bumped into Preppy
    Start running, wimp!
    Getting hit with bike/car
    I'm gonna kill whoever did that!
    That was dumb of somebody!
    Don't worry! I'm not dead!
    Saying Goodbye
    Alright, I'm outta here.
    Hey, I'm gonna scope some girls.
    Saying about carnival
    Aha that was awesome!
    Ah, that was so lame!
    Calling friends for help
    Hey! Get a load of this!
    Come and take a look, guys!
    Come here to eat your pound cake!
    I got a piece of pound cake for you, wimp!


  • Kirby Olsen фотография #1
  • Kirby Olsen фотография #2
  • Kirby Olsen фотография #3
  • Kirby Olsen фотография #4
  • Kirby Olsen фотография #5
  • Kirby Olsen фотография #6