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Kizomba Cz

Был в онлайне 20 июня 2019 в 12:33:29

Проверка страницы Cz Kizomba ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 523

  • VK ссылка:id195046803
  • О себе:The Kizomba CZ is a group of young dancers that are devoted to endorsing afro-latin culture in Czech Republic through entertainment, dance classes and shows. Recently african and latin dances such as: salsa, afro, kuduro, cha cha cha and kizomba have gained much popularity in Czech Republic. Dancing is a great way of spending your free time. It is a good opportunity to socialize, integrate with others, have fun and be active. We believe that there is no better and faster way to charge our body with energy and happiness than through dancing. Kizomba Team has a lot to offer concerning dancing and entertainment. We guarantee good fun, professional dance shows and positive atmosphere. Join our dance courses of Salsa, Kizomba and Afro Kuduro. Regular parties every Thursdays with free open class. More information www.kizomba.cz
  • Ник:kizombacz
  • Сейчас проживает в:Чехия, Praha
  • Родной город:Prague
  • Личный вэб-сайт:www.kizomba.cz


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    Choreographer and dance teacher

  • Любимые цитаты:

    There are things in live that I can not explain to anybody, one of those things is the happiness I feel when I dance.

    Jamba Mulimbwe 2009

Опыт работы и образование

  • Prague College
  • School of Art & Design
  • Experimental Media
  • Prague British School (BISP)'11
  • 2007–2011
  • ,
  • Kizomba.CZ
  • Owner


  • Kizomba Cz фотография #1
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #2
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #3
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #4
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #5
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #6
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #7
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #8
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #9
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #10
  • Kizomba Cz фотография #11
