видеоигры, гик-культура, amv, хорошее и не совсем кино, остальное придатком к вышеперечисленному, либо настолько мелочно, что не достойно упоминания
по настроению, да и от музыки самой зависит, не зацикливаюсь на чем то конкретном, хотя предпочтения отдаю чему-нить потяжелее или подинамичнее
Молчание ягнят, Скала, Звездные войны, Ju-on, Достучаться до небес, Fulltime killer, Клетка, Азуми, да дофига чего еще
Дж.Р.Р.Толкин, Б.Акунин, М.Крайтон, Т.Пратчетт
What can change the nature of a man? (c) Ravel Puzzlewell
To steal mens' souls and make them your slaves? Perhaps the same could be said of all religions... What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. (c) Dracula
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. (c) Alucard (paraphrase of Edmund Burke)
Despair itself is the only true joy! Anything you do is completely useless. Everything is pure fantasy. Fools... (c) Melfice
The universe, and human subconscious are willing their own end! (c) Ridley Hardiman a.k.a. Nohman
Fear drives everything. Your life is governed by fear. Every decision you make is a product of that fear. You married because you were scared of dying alone. You have children because you are scared of leaving nothing behind that really matters. You go to the doctors because you're scared of dying. Do I need to go on? (c) Jonathan Crane a.k.a. Scarecrow
Vanity, definitely my favourite sin. (c) John Milton