American actress, winner of special award BAFTA - «Rising Star."
No time for fun, but in my spare time I love surfing !!!!!=)
Only that which is in my films !!!=)
"""""" Twilight !!!!!!""""""
"Twilight, " "Eclipse" New Moon" "Breaking Dawn "!!!!!!=)
In order to be beautiful, woman enough to have a black sweater, black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.
Prior to the most beautiful ever dotyaneshsya.
The beauty of a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when it is not, and when there is nothing but beauty.
Why we're all looking for the beauty? Because the world is ugly, ad nauseam. We want to be beautiful, because you want to get better.
Ornaments do not make a person more beautiful, but make it feel more beautiful.