a lot of sports, music & movies
Avril Lavigne, Smash into Pieces, Angels and Airwaves, Queen, Breaking Benjamin, Led Zeppelin, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, John Mayer and radio ULTRA 70.19 fm
Interstellar, Contact, The Jacket, The Butterfly Effect, Final Destination 1, 2, Premonition, The Prestige, Big Fish, Interstate 60, The Mothman Prophecies, The Dark Knight, Reservoir dogs, Scarface, Inception, Slumdog Millionaire, The Notebook, The Lake House, Serendipity, Wicker Park, Ameli, Les Choristes, August Rush, Сloud Atlas, One Day, The Great Gatsby, Gravity, Passengers, Arrival & all movies with Adam Sandler
"Два Капитана" В.Каверин, стихотворения Э.А. Асадова