Teaching the great young minds of Ukraine.
Playing tennis, trying to speak Ukrainian, reading, eating.
This changes like every half a second... now, folk rock stuff... Yo La Tengo and Blitzen Trapper are my faves. I am a particular fan of the World Cup song.
I don't really like movies, I don't have the attention span for them. But if you forced me to sit down to watch a movie, I wouldn't say no to I Am Sam or something funny like The Hangover. I really enjoy movies about competitive spelling... such as Akeela and the Bee and Spellbound.
Harry Potter. Forever and Always. I also just read The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay, which was exquisite.
Ooh, I do like TV shows. Right now I love Dexter, Glee, and that Russian show about all the daughters. All time favorites are The Simpsons and Jon and Kate Plus 8. Ooh, and Family Guy.
Come back to me on this one.