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Leonel Gomez

Был в онлайне 06 марта 2025 в 10:21:25

Проверка страницы Gomez Leonel ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 1528

  • VK ссылка:id812740019
  • О себе:I am by definition and external description a wise and faithful person. I like to be direct and honest ("so much that it hurts"). I also have strong resistance to adversities. I think things with prudence, because precipitation and compulsive behaviors do not go with my way of acting. When I act, I am a person launched. My nerve and courage will face all problems, changes and setbacks, combatively. I am not afraid of anything and what I do not know, I learn it, I analyze it and I raise it. I am realistic (I see the worst scenario) Forever advance positively. To fight with whatever it takes. I have a kind of sixth sense, a quality to risk doing things, for mere feeling. Many times, these are fulfilling and for this reason, they are usually quite successful with the people I choose. I like being a sex symbol. Pleasure to take care of my physical appearance and dress well and with elegance, according to economic reality. In love, people usually waited for people who want something protective (wolves and/or dogs) and could not conceive infidelity. Even so, I always maintain my taste and coquetry and my weapons of seduction, always betting on my classic "sixth sense" that allows you to directly focus on my goals. I show all my knowledge, experiences and arts, to get what I want within ethical behavior. Considering behaviors, character and skills, I am compatible and related to those born in the years under the Asian signs of the rooster, the buffalo and the dragon. You can also get along with the signs of the rat, the rabbit or the goat and with another snake. If we talk about the monthly similarities of greater compatibility, they are cancer, capricorn, scorpio, pisces, taurus and virgo. That is, we have a high degree of compatibility and affinity, competition in intimate relationships and communication level. I am a person, always well willing to help who accompanies me. Of course, I need a strong and character, who can accept myself as I am. She is usually something materialistic and I do not like that they affect my economy or the family economy ("my pack"). Anyway, I can surprise with some proposals, in other territories. You can know how to share my partner with the family, if this means certain freedoms in my favor. I am something demanding that you scare the opposite sex. Idealist, which you are always improving and that sometimes, does not exist (in real life). What I need is a person in whom you can trust with your eyes closed, with whom it is impossible to get bored, a person who encourages you in working and personal life and of course a person who has the taste for life and pleasures that This grants even if it is sometimes simple, small or small details. I give much importance to sex within the relationship (my partner, my everything), as well as other worldly aspects of life (living life), such as food, housing, family exit, visiting friends, the countryside and nearby trips. Sometimes I like to be dominant in the time of sexual relations, where I like to take control. A woman with all her lyrics, who wants to grow and live at every stage that we have to live, a person and a being that will be special to my senses.
  • Ник:leonel.gomez
  • День рождения:14.5.1977
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Lima
  • Родной город:Huancayo - Lima - Perú
  • Политические взгляды:индифферентные
  • Религиозные убеждения:Budismo
  • Источники вдохновения:Alexey Ekimov Físico ruso
  • Главное в людях:ум и креативность
  • Главное в жизни:наука и исследования
  • Отношение к курению:негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:негативное


Актуальный статус

I am by definition and external description a wise and faithful person. I like to be direct and honest ("so much that it hurts").

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    chemical engineer of chemical, physical and biotechnological processes Research and development, innovation and inventions in Biological and Physical Chemical Processes. Entrepreneur at Startup tech-garage

  • Интересы:

    I am a chemical engineer of chemical, physical and biotechnological processes by choice and experience, I am of digital - analog attitude in everything applied to Hum (do it yourself, chemical hacking - biotechnological). Generator, producer, inventor, entrepreneur for necessity and passion. But not very good seller (many courses and attempts ... but without improvements, someone's support is always required). I like to exercise, walks, walks, go to the field, nearby trips, I learned to enjoy all climates and stations, you have to give it its opportunity; See movies in my house with the family (due to the acquired habit pandemic). I am a book, technical, application and science reader. Sometimes of stories, poems and native oral traditions. I like the application of environmental 5r in my life as well as industrial safety and hygiene in my way of life. I am currently a collaborator, assistant, chemical engineering project analyst at the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) in Peru but as is ad honorem they only gave me email, currently unemployed, undertaking a production companies. Now I relaxed the occasional artistic creation, paintings, paintings, collage, designs, software and sculptures.

  • Любимая музыка:

    Green Day, RedHot ChillePepper, The Cramberrries, U2, The Door, Kiss., Bach, Beethoven. etc.

  • Любимые цитаты:

    Находясь на другом конце света за 12 123 км и спустя три года и месяц пытаясь найти добрую, спокойную, женственную и обаятельную женщину. несколько оптимистичен и всегда старается избегать конфликтов. Ее интересы: выпечка, спорт, мода, кулинария, чтение, природа. Она ищет спокойного, понимающего и чуткого человека. Кто надеется найти между нами больше чувств.
    и попытайся сказать, что я люблю тебя.

Опыт работы и образование

  • Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM)'08
  • Facultad de Química e Ingeniería Química
  • Ingeniería Química
  • Очное отделение
  • Выпускник (специалист)
  • GHLA I&D+i e invenciones
  • Consultor, Asesor, Analista, Colaborador servicios en I&D
  • 2013–2023

