chemical engineer of chemical, physical and biotechnological processes Research and development, innovation and inventions in Biological and Physical Chemical Processes. Entrepreneur at Startup tech-garage
I am a chemical engineer of chemical, physical and biotechnological processes by choice and experience, I am of digital - analog attitude in everything applied to Hum (do it yourself, chemical hacking - biotechnological). Generator, producer, inventor, entrepreneur for necessity and passion. But not very good seller (many courses and attempts ... but without improvements, someone's support is always required). I like to exercise, walks, walks, go to the field, nearby trips, I learned to enjoy all climates and stations, you have to give it its opportunity; See movies in my house with the family (due to the acquired habit pandemic). I am a book, technical, application and science reader. Sometimes of stories, poems and native oral traditions. I like the application of environmental 5r in my life as well as industrial safety and hygiene in my way of life. I am currently a collaborator, assistant, chemical engineering project analyst at the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) in Peru but as is ad honorem they only gave me email, currently unemployed, undertaking a production companies. Now I relaxed the occasional artistic creation, paintings, paintings, collage, designs, software and sculptures.
Green Day, RedHot ChillePepper, The Cramberrries, U2, The Door, Kiss., Bach, Beethoven. etc.
Находясь на другом конце света за 12 123 км и спустя три года и месяц пытаясь найти добрую, спокойную, женственную и обаятельную женщину. несколько оптимистичен и всегда старается избегать конфликтов. Ее интересы: выпечка, спорт, мода, кулинария, чтение, природа. Она ищет спокойного, понимающего и чуткого человека. Кто надеется найти между нами больше чувств.
и попытайся сказать, что я люблю тебя.