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Лиза Баранова

Была в онлайне 04 марта 2022 в 06:11:26

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Число подписчиков: 100

  • VK ссылка:id14575482
  • День рождения:24.10
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Лесной
  • Родной город:П.Лесной
  • Личный вэб-сайт:http://vkontakte.ru/app638461_14575482


    Интересы и хобби

    • Деятельность:

      ______________________________6__________________ ____________________________88:___________________ _________________________1888_______ ______________ _______________________68881______________________ _____________________5888861_______.18888888888.__ _______________165._ 88888_5888888888888888:_______ ____________:8._888888888888888888888_____________ ________________:888888888888888888888888885______ ____ ___________888_888888888888888888888:_________ _____________68888888888888888888888888885________ ___________888888888888881__888888888_18 888:______ _______.88888888888888__8___18888888886__188:_____ ______8888888888888885______588888888886___58.____ _____88888._____________ ___:8888888888886____8.___ _____.888_________________888888888888888_________ ___________1__________68888888888888888885________ ________ ____888888888888888888888888688888________ ____________:8888888888888888888888___8888________ ________88888888888888888888888885____6888__ ______ ______6888888888888888888888888:______:886________ ____.88888888888888888888888___________88_________ ___188888888888886.__18881__ __________.81_________ __.888888888881_______________________:___________ __88888888888_________________88:_________________ _88888888588 ____________________8881______________ _888888885_11_____________________88885___________ .888888888__55__________8:____86:._588888_______ __ _88888888888_____________885_58888888888888_______ _686888888888865::_______8888888888888888888:_____ __8_5888888885_________588888888 88868888888888.___ _____888888888888888888888888885_________688888___ _____88888888888888888888888888____________88888__ _____:88__:88888 8888881___888888:_:_________6888._ _____:81____188:888888_____8888_._____________885_ _____66____________888885____188861___________186_ _ ____8_______________:888:_____________________85_ ____5___________________888____________________8__ _________________________.86_________ _________.___ ___________________________8__________________8___ _________________________________________________, d888*` _______________________________________________, d888` _____________________________________________, d888` ____________________________________________, d88` __________________________________________, d88` _________________________________________, d8` _______________________________________, d8* _____________________________________, d88*_____________..d**` ___________________________________, d88`_________..d8*` _________________________________, d888`____..d8P*` _________________________._____, d8888*8888*` _______________________, *_____, 88888*8P* _____________________, *______d888888*8b. ___________________, P_______dP__*888.*888b. _________________, 8*________8____*888__`**88888b. _______________, dP________________*88___________*88b. ______________d8`__________________*8b_______________*8b ____________, d8`____________________*8.__________________*88b. ___________d8P_______________________88. _________, 88P________________________888 ________d888*_______.d88P____________888 _______d8888b..d888888*______________888 _____, 888888888888888b.______________888 ____, 8*;88888P*****788888888ba.______888 ___, 8;, 8888*________`88888*_________d88* ___)8e888*__________, 88888be._______888 __, d888`___________, 8888888***_____d888 _, d88P`___________, 8888888Pb._____d888` _888*____________, 88888888**___.d8888* _`88____________, 888888888____.d88888b __`P___________, 8888888888bd888888* _______________d888888888888d888* _______________8888888888888888b. _______________88*._*88888888888b.________.db _______________`888b.`8888888888888b._.d8888P ________________**88b.`*8888888888888888888888b... _________________*888b.`*8888888888P***7888888888888e. __________________88888b.`********.d8888b**`88888P* __________________`888888b_____.d88888888888**`8888. ___________________)888888.___d888888888888P___`8888888b. __________________, 88888*____d88888888888**`____`8888b _________________, 8888*____.8888888888P`_________`888b. ________________, 888*______888888888b..._

    • Интересы:

      888888__88888___8____8__88888____8888__888888 88__88__88__88__8___88__88__88__88__88___88 88__88__88__88__8__888__88__88__88__88___88 88__88__88__88__8_88_8__88888___888888___88 88__88__88__88__888__8__88__88__88_______88 88__88__88__88__88___8__88__88__88___8___88 88__88__88888___8____8__88888____8888____88 ________88 ________88 _____▒▒▒▒▒_____▒▒▒▒▒ ____▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ___▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ____▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒ _▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒ _▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒ ____▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒ ___▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ____▒▒▒▒▒▒▒_▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ _____▒▒▒▒▒_▓____▒▒▒▒▒ ______▒▒▒__▓______▒▒▒ ____________▓ ___▓▓▓____▓ _▓▓▓▓▓▓_▓ ▓▓______▓▓ _▓_______▓__▓▓▓▓▓ __________▓_▓▓▓▓▓▓ __________ ▓▓______▓▓ __________ ▓________▓ __________▓ ___████████████ _____█████████ _____█████████ ______ ███████ ______ ███████ _______██████ _______ ████ _______________, $$$$$, ______________$$$$$$$$$ _____________$$$$$$$$$$$_________________________________, , _____________$$$$$$$$$$$$______________________________$$$$$, _____________`$$$$$$$$$$$____________________________$$$$$$$$ ______________`$$$$$$$$$Z$______$$$_______$$$_______$$$$$$$$' _______________`$ZzZ$$$Z$$$___$$$$$$$___$$$$$$$____$$$$$$$$' ________________`$$$ZZZ$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$' _________________`$$$$$$$$$$_$$ZZ$$$$$_$$ZZZ$$$$_$$$$$$$$ ____u$$$$$$u______`$$$$$$$$$$_$$$ZZZ$$_$$$$$ZZ$$_$$$$$$$' __$

    • Любимая музыка:

      And her friend walk with ANOTHER Does not want to go with you Not in the street going home Oei HER HER, E HER HER SHE AT THE MEETING TO YOU Runs And a cry of joy she screams Let's play together so It'll be fun LET'S GO AGAIN Three of the carousel WE WILL PLAY WITH THE NIGHT UNTIL MORNING U.S. not be separated no one ever And are you going down the path in the forest I do not know where he met ALSU AND YOU WANT-N WITH FRIENDS BUT do not know how FRIENDSHIP MORE SHE AT THE MEETING TO YOU Runs And a cry of joy SHOUT Let's play together so It'll be fun LET'S GO AGAIN Three of the carousel WE WILL PLAY WITH THE NIGHT UNTIL MORNING WE DO NOT NOBODY separated, and once And you are going to her on the carpet SHE AT THE MEETING TO YOU Runs And a cry of joy she screams Let's play together so It'll be fun LET'S GOThreesomes EM AGAIN IN KARUSE We will play all night until morning U.S. not be separated no one ever. SHE AT THE MEETING TO YOU Runs And a cry of joy she was screaming

    • Любимые фильмы:

      Again, all repeat You have to explain to the fingers You do you own Read all the eyes. Fire, fire and ice They can not be together, and thus Who among us will take the risk, open the first account. Step by step from each other farther we Since the distance from summer to winter And now the losses are not important to us We'll bet now equal. Chorus: About me you wanted a long time, But understand this is not confusing Between you and me forever Infinity, infinity. About me you wanted a long time, But understand this is not confusing Between you and me forever Infinity, infinity. Answer only one Hence, there are other causes Clear all without words No recriminations and calls. No one can know What will happen to us and understand It is not easy It is somewhere in the heart deeply. Burn my lips you in my dreams, Would you like to touch his hand to hand, But now there is no sense to remember everything And left alone to tell you. Refrain: About me you wanted a long time, But understand this is not confusing Between you and me forever Infinity, infinity. About me you wanted a long time, But understand this is not confusing Between you and me forever Infinity, infinity. Step by step from each other farther we Since the distance from summer to winter And now the losses are not important to us We'll bet now equal. Chorus: About me you wanted a long time, But understand this is not confusing Between you and me forever Infinity, infinity. About me you wanted a long time, But understand this is not confusing Between you and me forever Infinity, infinity. About me you're dreaming About me you're dreaming About me you wanted Too long. About me you're dreaming About me you're dreaming About me you wanted Too long

    • Любимые телешоу:

      And you, you walk in the yard and in rain and snow and you see his and all prevraschaetsya in running Well, why, why do you love him you different you're so well he is do not love him you need a friend

    • Любимые цитаты:



    • Лиза Баранова фотография #1
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #2
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #3
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #4
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #5
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #6
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #7
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #8
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #9
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #10
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #11
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #12
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #13
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #14
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #15
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #16
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #17
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #18
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #19
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #20
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #21
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #22
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #23
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #24
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #25
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #26
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #27
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #28
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #29
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #30
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #31
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #32
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #33
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #34
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #35
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #36
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #37
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #38
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #39
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #40
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #41
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #42
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #43
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #44
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #45
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #46
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #47
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #48
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #49
    • Лиза Баранова фотография #50