Founder/Creative Director MINISTERO DELLA BELLEZZA presents The Beauty is where one does not attend. MISSION: The Unique Luxury Experience Ministry of the Beauty, charity organization, has pre-established its aim by multiple representations that declare, in all and for all, and the beauty becomes a trace of a spark, lighting up ones soul. Like two fresh roses harvested in Paradise, Ministry of the Beauty is a cause divine. But is it really just for the few of us, or for everyone?! All are in need of Grace and Beauty. With Ministry of the Beauty, never again will there be artistic representations of obsolete empty minds, tableaux that elevate sublime shock aesthetics of horror or intellectualism of a collapsed thought. Amidst all the elegance and luxurious excessiveness of Ministry of The Beauty nothing can ever be more beautiful than this breathtaking sparkle that lets you bare your soul. “One is either a piece of art itself, or wears art” I Love The Excess In Beauty "Magic Robes" of Roberto Capucci Walking in Beauty Gilded Pleasures – Confidential scenes of eternal jewels The gold never ends.