I'm a student in a culinary academy, sometimes work during a break as a waitress
cooking, travelling, friends, watching movies, taking long walks along the beach, boys:) music, dancing and stuff клубы, танцы, друзья, весна, музака, Небо. Звезды.
***pop, r'n'b, pop rock, *** Miley Cyrus***Taylor Swift*** Jonas bros***Avril Lavigne***Boys like girls*** Beyonce***Lady Gaga***Black eyed peas***
Twilight!!! I love Robert Pattinson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17 again, Marley and me, Aquamarine, Bring it on, Step up, Butterfly effect, John Tucker must die, travelling pants
Twilight saga was the last one I read, I read a lot of other things cuz i'm in college)) Наполеон Хилл, Дейл Карнеги
Gilmore girls, Beverly hills 90210 (new one), Vampire diaries, Gossip girl, Friday night lights, One tree hill, Secret life ☜♥☞ Остаться в живых (LOST)
Live long, eat well, laugh loud***********************
All you need is love but a little chocolate doesn't hurt from time to time*************************************
Be able to go shopping for a bathing suit and not be
depressed afterwards*****************************
Во всём виноваты воскресенья, не будь воскресений, не было бы и понедельников!