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Titanic-- twilight 1- The Fault in Our Stars 2- Valentine’s Day 3- The Vow 4- P.S I Love You 5- The notebook 6- Silver Linings Playbook 7- Her 8- Book of Life 9- Theory of Everything 10- Upside Down
1. Before you meet your prince charming 2. Making brother and sisters best friends 3. Guys are like waffles girls are like spaghetti 4. Ready to use social skills lessons and activities 5. The anger workbook for teen 6. Chicken soup for the soul: teens talk relationships 7. Teen love: on relationships, a book for teenagers
1- برنامج المسابقات Face Off 2- The Doctors 3- The Talk 4- Jimmy Kimmel Live 5- Live free or die 6- The Ellen DeGeneres Show 7- The Chew 8- The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 9- Inside the Actors Studio 10 – SportsNation
I am here for true love
Love is the internal
Because the substance is more important than appearance