PLAy GUItar ANd DRUMs 4 My lIFe
ArcH ENemy, RIse aGainst, SYstem of A DOWn, ScaRs on BRoadway, Finsterforst, RammsteiN, DOPe, BuLLEt For MY Valentine, CanIBal CORpse, GOrky Park, LiMp BIZKit, SUm 41, MEtallica, 30 SeCond To MArs, BöHSe ONKElzZ, LInKIn Park, NIrvANa, KOrn, StaTic X, DIStURBEd, STOry Of THe Year, MUdayn, BIlly TalENt, BOySfire, DEEp PUrPLe, ManowAr, AcDc, СЕкТоР ГАзА
Now is the time for me to rise to my feet
Wipe your spit from my face
Wipe these tears from my eyes