Тяжелая музыка и страшные фильмы
Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Jane Air, Animall Jazz, Пурген, Сектор Газа, Наив, Кино, Dethklok, Chelsea Grin, Atack-atack, Asking Alexandria
"Пьяный мастер"
Дж. Р. Р. Толкиен "Властелин колец", "Хоббит", Хобб Робин "Сага о Видящих"
"Есть время разбрасывать камни, есть время их собирать" (Конфуций)
I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing
That slowly stops the ache
But it's made of all
The things I have to take
Jesus it never ends
It works it's way inside
If the pain goes on... (Corey Taylor)
i don't know if i care
i'm the jerk
life's not fair
fighting all the time
this is out of line
she loves me not
do you realize I won't compromise
she loves me not