Building industry. Sounds GOOD! ‘Deiatelnost’ for result, Posti? Chto bi ti ne delal - vazhno delat eto xorosho
Walking in countryside, I recently tried yacht racing and tennis; I think It could be a great hobby that is style of life. What else? Meeting friends old and new is the most valuable thing on the Earth!
Iz novogo - Nitin Sawhney, Morcheeba, The knife, Portishead, Fernanda Porto, Damien Rice, Kelly Minogue, Nina Simon i dr., , Iz starogo - Chizh, DDT (Xotia uzhe zabila, kogda ia slushala v poslednii raz), Music of 80th i dr
Ia eshe ne videla nichego luchshe "Sibirskogo Tsirulnika " (''Siberian Barber"), Progulka, Babylon, Reconstruction (Dutch), nedavno smotrela "Nebo. Samolet. Devushka" - krasivo i grustno., Avtorskoe kino
Kak ni banalno - ves Murakammi, Kundera. Ponravilas Dina Rubina, Remark "Tri tovarisha", Bulgakov Master i Margarita - gotova perechitivat ese i eshe
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