рисование, катание на скейте, на роликах
обычно по настроению=)
Сумерки, Шаг в перёд, Самый лучший фильм 2, Барвиха "Пробуждение", "Сладкая парочка", "8 миля", "Сумерки", "Новолуние", "Затмение", "Кошмар перед Рождеством", "Труп невесты", "Париж", "Босиком по мостовой", "Гордость и предубеждение", "Бенни и Джун", "Эльвира повелительница тьмы", "Чёрная кошка белый кот", "Реквием по мечте", "Онегин", "Комната страха", "Джейн Эйр", "Сделка с дьяволом", "Помни меня", "Розыгрыш", "За мной последний танец", "Слава", "Шаг вперёд", "Моя так называемая жизнь", "Горбатая гора", "Пролетая над гнездом кукушки", "Джули и Джулия:Готовим счастье по рецепту", "Дом солнца", "В диких условиях", "Амели", "Жестокие игры", "История рыцаря", "Ромео и Джульетта", "Унесённые ветром", "Мост Ватерлоу", "Опасные мысли", "Цена молока", "Рок волна", "Телефонная будка", "Королева проклятых", "99 франков", "Сладкая полночь", "Говори", "Правила секса", "Влюбись в меня если осмелишься", "Мистер Никто", "Эффект бабочки", "Невидимый", "РАНЭВЭЙС", "Прощайте доктор Фрейд"и ещё куча фильмов которые мне в лом называть)))
а что это?
The Suite Life is my favorite project so far! Everyone is nice and the cast is like family.
I love to have a twin cause you always have someone to talk to when you are lonely. You kind of have someone to share your feelings with, without talking out loud
[about their goal] "Dylan and I have talked about it quite a lot. We both agree that we want to get our star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame."
We both keep a journal, we write every day. I started first and then I convinced Dylan to start his.
Every kid who has a brother or a sister has to deal with sibling rivalry.
Having our own magazine gives us the opportunity to help kids discover their interests and spotlight the best of everything from new movies and CDs to young athletes we think are amazing!
Dylan is cool. He's relaxed. He really enjoys getting into something like collecting, and once he has a goal, he will go for it.
Every single day, Dylan always mentions that he is fifteen minutes older than me and considers that just because he is older, it means that he is the boss.
We have a great manager, his name is John. He totally looks out for us and points us in the right direction. We went out for [the movie] Big Daddy and we got it.
When I think about our careers, I don't really look at it as fame and fortune, I look at it as fun. I'd rather have a good time on set, have fun and mess around. And I love fans.