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Mark Rowsell

Был в онлайне 13 июля 2014 в 07:21:57

Проверка страницы Rowsell Mark ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 20

  • VK ссылка:id234437521
  • О себе:Hello, I always wonder does anybody read these profiles or do they just decide on the pictures and not go on to find out about the person. Some people do not take a good photograph and look better face to face. Perhaps it is the type of job you do that people make decisions on without talking to you? I am an easy going person I like walks, bike riding and films though I don't think it is a good idea to say too much as I think it is fun finding out about people as you go along. Walks do not mean I walk to the shops! As some people seem to think that is a walk......lol WHY DO THE ONES YOU FANCY NEVER FANCY YOU!!!!.....AND THE ONES YOU DO NOT FANCY ALWAYS FANCY YOU....LOL. 5 rules of happiness for woman 1. Find a man who loves house work 2. Find a man who makes you laugh 3. Find a man who has a good job 4. Find a man who is a great lover and friend 5. Make sure that none of these men ever meet each other I am South African I was born in Cape town and lived in a area called Camps Bay. I played rugby and motor raced there and in the UK I have done motorcycle racing as well. I had to stop after a big accident but every thing works, just! I have three kids which I see every other weekend. I like doing lots of things ... you just have to ask? I am just trying to decide what sport to do next? People bring joy to my life some when they enter and some when they leave...lol People always go for what they 'think ' is good for them but not what 'is' good for them. All we see will fade it's the person inside that stays the same, you just have to look...do you? As one door closes another one opens. Who can tell what is good and bad luck? I AM IN THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. THE BEST RELATIONSHIPS USUALLY BEGIN UNEXPECTEDLY Ok the bottom line is that I am looking for someone who is kind , loving with a good heart, a good friend.
  • Ник:mrowsell64
  • День рождения:30.1.1964
  • Родной город:southampton /cape town


Актуальный статус

hard working


  • Mark Rowsell фотография #1
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #2
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #3
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #4
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #5
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #6
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #7
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #8
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #9
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #10
  • Mark Rowsell фотография #11
