"Лишь две вещи на свете наполняют мою душу священным трепетом: звездное небо над головой и моральный закон внутри нас".
Will we ever know true reality? Or are we stuck in a world where the best we can do is be approximately true, discovering more and more useful theories every day, but never actually reaching true, objective, actual reality....
In society today you seldom hear anyone speak of progress of their country or society in terms of their physical well being, state of happiness, trust or social stability. Rather, the measures are presented to us through economic abstractions: we have the Gross Domestic Product, the Consumer Price Index, the value of the stock market, the rates of inflation, and so on…. But is this tell us anything of real value as to the quality of people's lives? No. All this measures have to do with the money sequence itself. And nothing more.
"Главным источником проблем, возникающих у человека является его недовольство окружающим миром."
"There is no greater illusion than fear, no greater wrong than preparing to defend yourself, no greater misfortune than having an enemy."
Какой самый живучий паразит? Бактерия? Вирус? Кишечный глист? Идея. Она живуча и крайне заразна. Стоит идее завладеть мозгом, избавиться от неё уже практически невозможно. Я имею в виду сформировавшуюся идею, полностью осознанную, поселившуюся в голове. (фильм “Начало”, К. Нолан)
If we agree about our hallucination, we call it "reality".
La mente es como paracaídas: funciona solo cuando se abre.
Apparently the average man sees woman alternately as an inferior being and as an angel…...
Pensar es fácil, actuar es difícil, y actuar como se piensa - es lo más difícil de todo.