Информация о человеке

Meryl Ellis

Была в онлайне 22 апреля 2024 в 07:28:01

Проверка страницы Ellis Meryl ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 822

  • VK ссылка:id446395449
  • День рождения:5.6
  • Родной город:London
  • Отношение к алкоголю:компромиссное


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Интересы и хобби

  • Любимые цитаты:

      Basically everyone (or) every life has some cause !
      Each and everyone live their life in different ways that depends on the social conditions prevailing around them and the conditions that surrounded then while they are growing up. So , my point is no two people see the life in a same way so there is no restriction on what one thinks is important in his life.
      Life should be a mixture of all things like ups & downs, Profit & loss ,fun times and hard times, successful and unsuccessful days. And no one's life will be as smooth as expected and so, the important things change as life goes on….
      © Shourya Madishetty

Опыт работы и образование

    • 2017


    • Meryl Ellis фотография #1
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #2
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #3
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #4
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #5
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #6
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #7
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #8
    • Meryl Ellis фотография #9