Мэтт Смит
Был в онлайне 02 мая 2015 в 05:33:02
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Число подписчиков: 66
- VK ссылка:id264481417
- О себе:Most known for his role eleventh Doctor in UK science - fiction television series Doctor Who, for 4 was nominated at the BAFTA television in 2011. In the childhood I dreamed to become footballer, but because of a back injury was forced to leave professional sports. In 2003 year I joined the troupe The national youth theatre (eng.)Russian. at the University East of England (English)Russian, where he played his first role in a play "Murder in the Cathedral" (eng.)Russian.. In 2007 I made her debut at the West end (eng.)Russian, together with Christian Kajterom playing in the theater the formulation of the film "Among the sharks", and a year later - in the performance "The person" (eng.)Russian.. In 2006 I first appeared on television, starring Jim Taylor in the film adaptations works by Philip Pullman "Rubin in the mist" and "Shadow "Polar star". There I worked with Billy Piper, played a companion ninth and ten Doctors. The first a significant role was the role of Danny in the BBC TV series "Party Animals" (eng.)Russian. In 2007. In January 2009 I was selected for the the role of the eleventh incarnation Doctors in the iconic British the television series Doctor Who, where first appeared in the final of the second part of the series "the End of time" 1 January 2010. Currently is the youngest actor, who played the Doctor. I was born and raised together with his family and senior sister in Northampton County Northamptonshire, UK and received education in Northampton school for boys, where he was superintendent excelled in sports, music and theatrical art. I wanted to be a professional football player, as my father, David Smith, who had played for the team to Notts County"and later began to run own business in plastics. Played in youth squads Northampton Town" (from 11 to 12 years), Nottingham Forest" (from 12 to 14 years old) and the Leicester City" (from 15 to 16 years). In 16 years I he suffered a serious back injury and the insistence of his father was forced leave the sport career. Every day during the year my father was driving me to physical therapy in Leicester, but I did not become still sports form. My teacher, contrary request sent me to the role tenth juror in adaptation of the play "Twelve angry men" (eng.)Russian.. Although he played in the performance, I refused continue acting career and to participate in the theater festival. However, the teacher insisted and persuaded to join London National youth theatre. After the end of school I considered the variants further studies in Cambridge, as would many of my classmates as well as planned to examine the policy in Sheffield. In one interview I said: "I just wanted to be clever or wanted seem smart. Wanted to go to the red-brick University and to say "Oh, I am involved in politics." I used to read books and Gore Vidal I thought that was cool". In the end, I he entered the University of East England in Norwich, where most known for his role eleventh Doctor in UK sci - Fi television series.
- День рождения:28.10.1982
- Сейчас проживает в:, Northampton
- Родной город:Великобритания