ангеломорфизм, нейробиология, поэзия, психология, психофармакология, хаософия
Malice Mizer Bring me the Horizon — Count your Blessings Abnormity, Abominable putridity, Abstract void, Absurd, Adept, Alesana, All, Along memories, Amputated, Ancient, Apati, Aposepsy, Arckanum, Árstíðir Lífsins, A skylit drive, Austere, Azaghal, Bad religion, Bathory, Beautiful death, Before their eyes, Begotten, Behexen, Belkètre, Bestia, Black Magick SS, Bleach, Brain drill, Burzum, Cenotaph, Cephalotripsy, Circle of Ouroborus, ColdWorld, Crimson evenfall, Cystic dysentery, Dance gavin dance, Darken wood, Dark Funeral, Darkthrone, Daylight dies, Dead by april, Deadlife, Decrepit birth, Deeds of flesh, Defeated sanity, Descendents, Devourment, Disgorge, Dissection, Distant dream, Djevel, Dynfari, Echo & the bunnymen, Elderwind, Enslaved, Error37, Fear of Eternity, FFDP, Fog castle, Foglord, Forseti, Funeral fullmoon, Get scared, Goatmoon, Gorgoroth, Green day, Grifteskymfning, Grimnir, Guttural secrete, Hautakammio, Häresie, Havukruunu, Helrunar, Horn, Horna, If these trees could talk, Immortal, Inherit disease, Kai Rosenkranz, Katatonia, Korgonthurus, Kurjuus, Lebensgefahr, Lebensnacht, Lehtivihreät, Lost in desolation, Lunar vacation, Malediction of agony, Mayhem, Meteor, Midvinter, Misþyrming, Mist of Misery, Mistur, Moonsorrow, Mork, Musta Surma, Mütiilation, My useless Life, Nächtlich, Niflheim, Nostalghia, Nostalgie, Nott, Nürnberg, Obscurity, Obtained enslavement, October falls, Ofdrykkja, Ondskapt, Ophiocordyceps, Our last night, Our mirage, Örnatorpet, Pathological sadism, Pathology, Pinhead gunpowder, Psychoparadox, Purefilth, Radio supernova, Regnum, Rienaus, Riivaus, Rings of Saturn, Sacrimoon, Sanktio, Sarastus, Sår, Sargeist, Satanic warmaster, Sielunvihollinen, Silencer, Silverstein, Slaughterbox, Soft kill, Sombres forêts, Soviet Soviet, Sõjaruun, Striborg, Suffering souls, Svartrit, Taake, Tehosekoitin, Thanatophobia, The Amity Affliction, The Cure, The Records, The Smiths, The Sound, Thrice, Todeskult, Todessucht, Totenburg, Trauer, Traumatomy, Trhä, Verikalpa, Viraemia; Windir, Wintermoon, Witchmoon, Wolfnacht, Worthless life, Xasthur, Анархия, Аутсайдер, Висельник, Егор и Опизденевшие, Гнёт, Гражданская оборона, Коммунизм, Пик клаксон, Родина, ナイトメア
South Park, South S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Grimm Love
Konrad Lorenz — «Das sogenannte Böse. Zur naturgeschichte der aggression»
„...цепляющийся за жизнь — умирает, ищущий смерть — живёт.”