INTERNATIONAL FREEDOM CORPORATION psychosomatics, natural essential oils, aromodiagnostics, aromatherapy МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ КОРПОРАЦИЯ СВОБОДЫ психосоматика, натуральные эфирные масла, аромадиагностика, ароматерапия
Hello, my name is Nadezhda Titova, and I am the founder and leader of the international Corporation of Freedom. I'm 44 years old and a mother of two children. My son Stephan is 12 years old, and my daughter Sofia is 5 years old. My work revolves around people mindset, and I am skilled at reading body language like an open book. My dream and goal are to make as many people as possible healthy and happy. To achieve this, I founded the Freedom Corporation, which provides people with tools for self-knowledge. The goal of the corporation is to promote freedom from diseases, fears, and limiting beliefs, so that all people on the Planet can benefit from these tools