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Nataly Aktushev

Была в онлайне 29 апреля 2015 в 04:03:40

Проверка страницы Aktushev Nataly ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 103

  • VK ссылка:id20227335
  • О себе:Well, I like to do lots of stuff; like drawing, singing(poor neighbors), dancing, cooking(you better not eat this, but I don't mind, if you want to kill yourself..). I also played the piano(it was a long, long time ago), and now I'm kind'a trying to play guitar...but who really care about all this crap?-one day, when a woman will get out the kitchen, the world will break under the tons weight of the super-turtle-world-caring-jinjarel.
  • Ник:natalieaktushev
  • День рождения:4.8
  • Родной город:Новосибирск


Интересы и хобби

  • Интересы:

    Music, dancing, spending time with friends, beer, reading, learning, drawing, cooking, minding my own business

  • Любимая музыка:

    70!Hell yeh!!!

  • Любимые фильмы:

    I like movies

  • Любимые книги:

    "The Centerville Ghost"‎, ‎"The Sacred Book Of The Werewolf"‎, ‎"Irish Mythology", "The alchemic", "Earthsea", "Master&Margaret", ...(hell yeh!I like fantasy.)

  • Любимые цитаты:

    "You dont have to be beautiful.. If you got Photoshop"

    "If a woman says NO it can be translated as: 1.she really means this dude! 2. She can’t answer the opposite..."

    "Only dead fish go with the stream."

    "Nobody's perfect. I'm Nobody."

    "If people did not sometimes do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done."

    "I am planning to be more spontaneous in the future."

    "A pair of oldies lived in front of a graveyard. Now they live in front of their house..."

    "Reality is only an illusion that occurs due to a lack of alcohol."

    "I want to die while asleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car. "

    "Yes, madam, I am drunk. But in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly."

    "True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness..."

    "Love is photogenic, It needs darkness to develop."

Опыт работы и образование

  • על"ה רזיאל (Ale Raziel)
  • распиздяйство,вокал(ну,а как-же,каждый день орать "зането" в туалете),мастерство долбление стенок головой,матереализация желаного(1 звонок в пицырию,и "хоп"-у тебя уже есть съедобная пища),мозгоёб...
  • ,


  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #1
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #2
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #3
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #4
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #5
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #6
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #7
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #8
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #9
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #10
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #11
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #12
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #13
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #14
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #15
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #16
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #17
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #18
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #19
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #20
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #21
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #22
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #23
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #24
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #25
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #26
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #27
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #28
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #29
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #30
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #31
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #32
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #33
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #34
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #35
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #36
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #37
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #38
  • Nataly Aktushev фотография #39
