하바로브스크 한국 교육원 사할린 한국 교육원 MUN RFE debating club
Music makes you free -рояль, гитар, блок-флейт, гармоник, кастаньет, САКСО~~phone, 장구, 가야금, 단서 SNOWBOARD корейский 한국어 О СПОРТ! ТЫ - мир!Теннис большой - это хорошо!Butterfly and freestyle swimming Баскетбол, Yoga
Kenny G, Candy Dulfer, Eva Cassidy; Whitney Houstone, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne, Sting, Scorpions; София Ротару, Варвара
Эффект бабочки; "The edge"; BBC scientific
Nasha Russia
"One half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying YES too quickly and not saying NO soon enough" Josh Billings
Творчество дарует чувство бескрайности мира
Б.Л. Пастернак
"Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision as the limits of the world".