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Наталья Костенко

Была в онлайне 15 января 2018 в 02:02:34

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  • VK ссылка:id439699101
  • О себе:Let me introduce myself, my name is Olga Petrova. I was born in the 19 th of February, 1994 in Kursk, which is the town of Russia. I am sixteen. I am a pupil. I study in the 11 th form. Our family is big. There are four of us: mother, father, little brother and me. My brother`s name is Anton. He is 11. Anton is nice and funny. My parents are young. My mom is a good-looking woman. She is 39. She has two high educations. She works as economist. My mother likes reading books and magazines and she knows a lot of interesting things. She always helps me with my problems. My father is 41. He is a journalist. He likes his work very much. My father cooks well too. He always makes new dishes and they are very tasty. In the evening all members of our family like to watch TV. Sometimes we go to the theater or concert. We are a friendly family. We are deeply attached to each other, and we get on very well. I study well. My favorite school subjects are English, Russian, Literature and others. I want to learn Spanish and French too. It is important to have friends. My friends name is Oksana. She lives not far from me. It’s not easy to meet a true and faithful friend. I am happy that I have got Oksana. I trust her and I’m sure that I can rely on her in any situation. She is the single person who can ask for help and advice in unhappy moments of my life and whom I can tell all my problems. She never lets people down. I miss Oksana when we don’t see each other for a long time. I think our friendship makes me feel confident; share to over feelings and opinions. Personally, I think that friendship is a great force. There are many interesting and exciting things to do when you are spending your free time. Each person has his interests and hobbies such as reading books, watching TV, going in for sports. As for me, I have many hobbies: they are – cooking, dancing, singing, and English language. I also fond of reading books. My favorite books are adventures and horror, love stories. When I am reading book I live the character`s life, suffer, and enjoy with them. My favorite hobby is studying English. I think it is necessary to have a hobby. Your free time is not wasted. Everybody likes music – some people enjoy classical music, others are fond of popular music. Open-minded, I like all kinds of music. I am a meloman. Some music is happy, and some is sad. Some is serious, and some can make people laugh. My family likes holidays a lot. We usually celebrate each of them with a lot of food and presents and big groups of relatives and friends. I like New Year very much. My mother and I usually decorate a New Year tree with colorful glass balls and toys. I also cook New Year supper, especially salads. At night we have a real feast. My other favorite celebration is my birthday which is in February. This day I am in the centre of attention. My parents and friends give me presents, and I usually have birthday party. I invite my friends and we have fun together. I really enjoy holidays and celebrations. In early childhood it does not take children much time to answer the question «what do you want to be when you grow up?». They mentioned many interesting and exciting professions, the most popular ones are a pilot, a cosmonaut, a businessman. As the years pass, they change their minds. I know there are many interesting and useful professions but most of all I like the profession of an interpreter. Why? Because I like English language. It is necessary to learn foreign languages. That is why pupils have got such subject as a foreign language at school. Everybody knows his own language but it is useful to know foreign languages too. I want to read in original literature. I like to travel, but it is difficult to visit countries, when you do not know the language spoken there. If I know the language of the country which I am going to visit it will be easy to travel there. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English. Th
  • День рождения:18.3.1999
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Jamestown
  • Родной город:New Jersey
  • Политические взгляды:ультраконсервативные
  • Религиозные убеждения:Конфуцианство
  • Источники вдохновения:inspires me fuss might say that nature grass and so on but no)
  • Главное в людях:ум и креативность
  • Главное в жизни:красота и искусство
  • Отношение к курению:резко негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:негативное


Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    ions need to be developed and justified over a period of time. For example, when teachers, doctors, artists, composers don’t work for a long time they start losing their skills. When they do work, they develop their creative abilities and establish themselves in society. To be honest for many people work means only a source of income. People work to fend for themselves and to support their families. They work long hours and endure tight schedules. It is certainly bad. When someone doesn’t like what he is doing, sooner or later he gets stressed or depressed. I don’t think that someone can be successful at work without taking pride in what he does. People who really enjoy their occupation seem to be always happy. They can work all day long spending hours to explore new ideas. To be out of work for a long time makes such people sad and lonesome. They lose not only mass attention and respect but also their self-esteem. Basically, unemployment for these people is devastating. Nowadays, it isn’t easy to find a good job. Many companies look for highly-experienced and profession

  • Интересы:

    I am a good pupil. I do well in all subjects. They say, that I am a hardworking person. To tell the truth, all school subjects come easy for me but sometimes I have to sit much, for example, to do lessons in Physics or Chemistry, to write a composition or to learn a poem by heart. But my favourite subject is English. I spend much time on it reading books, doing tests etc. May be, English and learning it will be a part of my future carreer. I like reading. I think comics and detective stories are much easier to read but I prefer to read novels - historical or up-to-date. I like music. My musical tastes are different, but it depends on my mood. But I think every apple is good in its season. I play the piano and the guitar, not seriously, but for my soul. Sometimes I like to listen to the Russian classical music. My favourite composers are Chaikovsky and Mozart. I don’t like rock music, but I like "Queen" and "Beatles". Also I like Russian folk songs. I have not much time to watch IV but sometimes I spend an hour or two watching an interesting film or a news programme. In the evening I often read newspapers (our local ones) or magazines. I like fresh air and exercise. I’m sorry I have not much time for doing sports. But some aerobics in the morning, a swimming-pool twice a week, a ski-walk on a frosty day are of great help. Sports is fun. I have a wide circle of interests. I’m very sociable, so I get a way with people. I have many friends, most of them are my class-mates. We spend much time together, going out to the cinema or to the disco party, speaking about lessons and music, discussing our problems. But most of all I like my family. We all are great friends and deeply attached to each other. You see, it’s me - a person with his good and not good characteristics, liking this and hating that. But it’s interesting for me to live, to open new things.

  • Любимая музыка:

    I like listening to a very wide variety of music, including pop, hip- pop, rap music, sometimes rock and also I like electronic music. I like listening loud music but it scarcely ever works out. At the moment my favorite singer is Ivan Dorn. This is a Ukrainian singer who has released two albums and he is the most popular singer in Russia and Ukraine now. Viva Magazine recognized him as the most handsome man in 2012. And I just like listening to his music and dance with it. Ivan grew up in normal family, and at the age of 6 years he started to go on stage for singing songs. When he was at school he took part in all events held at the school. In 2007 he became the second member of the band "Paranormalnye", which was very popular and it was a pity that the band broke up. And since 2010 Dorn began his solo career releasing songs that he writes himself. Generally I also like Dorn how person which in his 25 years has made a lot thanks to his efforts and talent. At his concerts he sings only live and in this way he shows their respect to his fans. He does not use services of producers, hides his personal life from the media, he does not advertise himself with various scandals. He's just doing his job which he loves and for that reasons he is loved by his fans. On the Internet the number of his hits broke all records in views and downloads because he makes quality and fashionable music.

  • Любимые фильмы:

    et me tell you some words about my favourite film. There are a lot of different genres, but I prefer watching old Soviet comedies and adventure films with a drop of fantasy. The choice is sure to depend on my mood, but there is a movie in my collection which I can watch every day. It is “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Frankly speaking, I believe all the parts to be exciting and thrilling. This masterpiece was directed by Gore Verbinski and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. They were lucky enough to create a perfect combination of humour, adventures, fantasy and what not. The plot of the story is elaborate, having a love-line, chases, battles and other things to leave a deep and lasting impression on the audience. “Pirates of the Caribbean” was shot with the help of Walt Disney Pictures, and the idea of the whole story was born on the basis of the same-named theme park in Disneyland. The crew was working marvelously during all the series. One thing that I like best of all is a cast, heading by Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. Jack the Sparrow is one of the brightest parts, acted by Johnny Depp. He could create such a dazzling and charismatic character, who was capable to grab the spectators throughout all the film duration. At last, I’d like to add that “Pirates of the Caribbean” is really worth watching for the cast, the music, the plot and all the rest. And I strongly recommend to watch it if you have not done it yet.

  • Любимые книги:

    am completely keen on reading. I try to read every day at least a few pages. I like fantasy stories and some adventurous stories. And there is a story of that kind I am eager to read over and over again. Its name is “Harry Potter.” The story was written by a popular British writer J. K. Rowling. And it tells us about a little boy Harry who lives in a family of his aunt. One day he finds out that he is a wizard and should go to study to a school of magic — Hogwarts. And that’s where the story begins. In the following 7 parts we get to know what a great wizard Harry is. He meets new friends, studies, does sport and conquer the most evil magician in the world. These books teach how to be friendly, loyal and strong. They show us how to face difficulties and how important a family and friends are. I love this book for all of this. I have already read it a few times. And I know that I will definitely read it once again.

  • Любимые телешоу:

    Many people like watching TV in their free time. It’s one of my favourite pastimes too. However, I try not to spend a lot of time in front of the screen. I usually watch music channels, new and interesting films, funny cartoons and educational programs. I’d like to tell you a little bit about my favourite TV program. It’s an informative show called “Galileo”. It is named after a famous scientist Galileo Galilei, who liked making experiments. I watch this program regularly and try not to miss the next issue. It is usually shown at weekends. Each time the presenter of the program Alexander Pushnoy explains different phenomena of nature and shows amazing experiments. Most of all I like the part with these experiments. In my opinion, “Galileo” show is interesting not only for children but also for adults. Not every adult knows seemingly obvious facts. For example, why the sky is blue, why the sugar is sweet, how the paste is colored in tubes. This program can surprise even the most skeptical spectator. Usually each edition contains five different stories and experiments. Together with the presenter you can travel to distant places and even transfer in time. The “Galileo” team has several special agents, who conduct the experiments at scientific laboratories, factories and plants. Sometimes they travel into past or future. Some episodes are shot in foreign countries, such as Japan, the USA, Ukraine, etc. My favourite program ends with the words “The world is more interesting than you think”. I absolutely agree with this statement and I always recommend my friends to watch “Galileo”.

  • Любимые цитаты:

    n hoIn revenge and in love, woman is more barbarous than man.nest answer is the sign of true friendship.
    Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.

Опыт работы и образование

  • Teacher Education Centre'11
  • 1998–2009


  • Наталья Костенко фотография #1
  • Наталья Костенко фотография #2
  • Наталья Костенко фотография #3
  • Наталья Костенко фотография #4