ForeignLanguages, GreenPlanet, Environmental, путешествия, кулинария, кино и музыка
Jennifer Lopez, Il Divo, Bon Jovi, Lucero, Il Volo
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Nikita, The Originals, Sherlock, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Arrow, The Blacklist, Blindspot, Suits
Maggie Q: I'm my biggest critic, and I'm constantly pushing myself in every corner. But I definitely know who I am, more than I ever have in my life.
Robin Wright: “You have to set boundaries, not only for yourself, but for other people, because they need to know what that boundary is. The minute you have that healthy boundary, that’s a good safety net to be behind, I think. And then that stuff doesn’t filter in, you don’t get all that nonsense. It’s wasteful. And sometimes it hepls, I think, to say “Not my issue,” because really it’s not. You’re hearing that stuff, you’re feeling that negativity – “Not my issue.” Disengage, don’t participate, it’s not your issue. My boundaries are here, I need to be here… to be this person that I wanna be in life.”
“There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can't. What you've got to do is turn around and say "Watch me.” ~ Layne Beachley