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Nurah Abdulah

Была в онлайне 30 июня 2024 в 07:23:34

Проверка страницы Abdulah Nurah ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 139

  • VK ссылка:id840379057
  • О себе:Hello, I'm Nurah Abdullah, a professional with a passion for finance and a zest for life. Originally from Saudi Arabia, I've made London my home and the center of my career aspirations. With over two decades of experience in the finance field, I've cultivated a deep understanding of markets, investments, and the intricacies of financial management. Beyond my professional pursuits, I am an individual driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. I believe in the power of continuous learning and strive to broaden my horizons through exploration and discovery. Whether it's immersing myself in the vibrant cultural scene of London, embarking on adventures in far-off lands, or delving into new areas of interest, I am always seeking to expand my perspective and enrich my experiences. In my free time, you'll often find me engaged in activities that nourish my mind, body, and soul. From long walks in nature to volunteering for causes close to my heart, I find fulfillment in giving back to my community and making a positive impact wherever I can. I am also a firm believer in the importance of balance, and I make it a priority to carve out time for relaxation and enjoyment. Whether it's indulging in my love for art and gastronomy, losing myself in the pages of a captivating book, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, I cherish moments of joy and connection. Driven by a sense of purpose and guided by my values, I approach life with optimism, resilience, and a determination to make the most of every opportunity. I believe that success is not just about achieving goals but also about staying true to oneself, fostering meaningful relationships, and leaving a positive legacy for future generations. In essence, I am Nurah Abdullah—an individual on a journey of growth, discovery, and fulfillment, striving to make a difference in the world while embracing all that life has to offer.
  • Ник:nurahabudlah
  • День рождения:12.2.1974
  • Родной город:London


Актуальный статус

Hello, I'm Nurah Abdullah, a finance professional originally from Saudi Arabia. I've made London my home

Интересы и хобби

  • Деятельность:

    I love staying active, especially by taking long walks in London's beautiful parks. It's my way of unwinding after a busy day and connecting with nature. Traveling is a big passion of mine. I enjoy exploring new cultures and soaking in the beauty of different landscapes. Planning trips to exotic destinations is something I look forward to during my free time. Volunteering is close to my heart, particularly in initiatives that focus on financial literacy and empowering women in our community.

  • Интересы:

    Art has always fascinated me. I find inspiration in various forms of creative expression and enjoy visiting galleries and exhibitions whenever I can. I'm a huge food enthusiast. Trying out new restaurants and experimenting with recipes at home is one of my favorite pastimes. Technology intrigues me, and I make an effort to stay updated on the latest trends and innovations by attending tech conferences and workshops.

  • Любимая музыка:

    My taste in music is quite eclectic. I enjoy everything from classical melodies to contemporary pop hits. Artists like Adele and Coldplay are among my favorites, along with classical composers like Mozart and Beethoven.

  • Любимые фильмы:

    When it comes to movies, I appreciate a wide range of genres. "The Shawshank Redemption, " "The Godfather, " and "Eat Pray Love" are some of my all-time favorites.

  • Любимые книги:

    Reading is one of my passions. Fiction that transports me to different worlds, like "The Alchemist" and "To Kill a Mockingbird, " is always on my reading list. I also enjoy non-fiction works that offer valuable insights into personal development and financial management.

  • Любимые телешоу:

    I like to mix it up when it comes to TV shows. From gripping crime dramas like "Breaking Bad" to light-hearted sitcoms such as "Friends" and "The Office, " there's always something to watch. I'm also drawn to thought-provoking documentaries that explore social and cultural issues.

  • Любимые цитаты:

    One of my favorite quotes is by Albert Einstein: "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." It reminds me to prioritize making meaningful contributions and creating a positive impact in both my personal and professional life.


  • Nurah Abdulah фотография #1
  • Nurah Abdulah фотография #2
  • Nurah Abdulah фотография #3
  • Nurah Abdulah фотография #4
  • Nurah Abdulah фотография #5
  • Nurah Abdulah фотография #6
