law, books, tennis, jogging, boxing, swimming, , languages and girls of course;-))), cars
classical, louis armstrong, frank sinatra, depeche mode, lenny kravitz......
What Dreams May Come, Blade, The Believer, James Bond, -all parts, Ziemia, Cienie naszych przodków, Constantine
Biblia(narazie za wysokie progi-za glupim), Достоєвський;Dickens;Giovanni Reale, Platon, Arystoteles, Sw.Augustyn, Sw.Tomasz, wszystko co jest jakos powiazane z prawem:-))).......................................
forensic is sexy...
wiedza jest pierwszym krokiem do niewiedzy...
Can't you tell that this is all just a contest?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest