Just take a step and you'll see how you move on faster and faster leaving all your fears and stupid thoughts about your weakness far behind you. It is your own reality. Without fears. Without weakness. Just keep on moving. Just don't stop. Never
Free your legs and your mind will follow
Древо жизни, Константин, Великий Гэтсби, Матрица, Призрачная красота, Эквилибриум, Ванильное небо, Другие, 47 ронинов, Ромео+Джульетта, Особое мнение, Дом у озера, Игра, Загадочная история Бенджамина Баттона, Интервью с вампиром, Начало, Мулен Руж, Багровый пик, Исчезнувшая, Пираты Карибского моря
О. Уайльд, Ж.П. Сартр, О. Грин
Friends. New Girl
- You don't stop dancing from growing old, you grow old from stopping to dance.
- After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible, is music.
- God is a DJ. Life is a dance floor. Love is the rhythm. You are the music.