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Pasha Samoshko

Был в онлайне 05 февраля 2025 в 10:07:37

Проверка страницы Samoshko Pasha ВКонтакте (VK)

Число подписчиков: 288

  • VK ссылка:id212708598
  • О себе:I'm a tenthformer and looking for a penfriends. I hope, that I'll be able to find good friends to communicate and maybe meet somewhen. With me you can speak on every theme and about everything. If you know french or german it will be fantastic - besides english I'm learning this languages too, but english much longer =)
  • Skype:gother111
  • Сейчас проживает в:, Харьков
  • Личный вэб-сайт:http://ask.fm/id212708598
  • Политические взгляды:либеральные
  • Религиозные убеждения:Atheismus
  • Источники вдохновения:Friends =)
  • Главное в людях:ум и креативность
  • Главное в жизни:саморазвитие
  • Отношение к курению:компромиссное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:компромиссное


Актуальный статус


Интересы и хобби

  • Интересы:

    My hobbies are very different - i am found of dancing, drawing, listening to rock, reading books, especialy classic literature. Also I like to write poems, different kinds of prose etc. But I have 3 main hobbies in my life, there are: 1. TRAVELLING I like to travel very much!!! I can't live without it =) I've visited almost all plases of interest in my country. And I've been to Paris, Munich, Prague... But it's just the beginning =) 2. The second one is COOKERY I can prepare anything - from omlette to turkey =)) It do me happy, in some meaning, because in my every dish i add a little piece of my soul. 3. I am found of learning cultures of other countries (maybe that's why i like to travel). My dream is to visit all countries in the world. So, I am learning other languages, cuisins of other nations, their customs and traditions. And want you to tell me about your native country =)

  • Любимая музыка:

    I am a music lover. I listen to every music, but except rap. My favourite favourite favourite kind of music is ROCK. I can not live without it. I listen to rock when i happy, when i sad and in every mood. I am found of Rammstein - they sing about so unusual things and they are fantastic. And also Linkin Park - their songs express my inside condition most exactly

  • Любимые книги:

    I am found of reading classic literature, ukrainian literature, science fantasy and fantasy. I can read everything, but there are books and authors I respect the most: 1. The Count of Monte Cristo. Two tomes of this book has been read by me in one breath. Alexander Duma in this book describes very interesting story of the young man, which can teach you many useful things. 2. Great poetess, strong inside woman - Lesya Ukrainka (Larysa Kosatch). She wrote many authobiograbycal compositions, which saturated by hurt, sandness, unhappy love, but she destroy all barriers on her life way, even she had tuberculosis of bones. In her time she was the most educated woman of the Europe. http://www.poets.us/InCatacombs.html - it is the translation of her grate dramatic poem "In the catacombs" Is small (30 minutes of to read), and I very advice you to read! 3. And of course Harry Potter. This book is only interesting, as for my, and has a very impressive sujet. I was very sad, when I've already read all parts =(

Опыт работы и образование

  • ХНЭУ им. С. Кузнеца (бывш. ХИЭИ)'18
  • Финансовый
  • Налогообложения
  • Очное отделение
  • Студент (специалист)
  • Школа № 118'14
  • 2003–2014
  • Fililogy
  • Класс: а


  • Pasha Samoshko фотография #1
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