Travelling, literature, financial markets, cycling, football
Santana, Tom Petty, Matchbox 20, Goran Bregovic, Myslovitz, Zero7
Dead Poets Society
Dostoevsky: "Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot", "The Brothers Karamazov", "The Gambler", "The Eternal Husband" Tolstoy: "The Death of Ivan Ilytch", "Anna Karenina" Gogol: "Dead Souls", "Tales from Saint Petersburg" Turgueniev: "Fathers and Sons" Bulgakov: "Master and Margarita" Nabokov: "Lolita" Ivo Andric: "The Bridge on the Drina", "The Cursed Yard", "Travnik's Chronicles" Vladimir Bartol: "Alamut" Eça de Queiroz: "The City and the Mountains", Paulo Coelho: "Diary of Wizard", "Veronika decides to die", "The Alchemist", "11 Minutes", "Zahir", "The Aleph"
The Simpsons