Lawyer. Interpreter-translator. Professor. Vologda State University. Siberian Federal University. University of Cadiz.
Viajar, conocer gente, conocer otras culturas, aprender idiomas.
The Strokes, Mando Diao, Vetusta Morla, Franz Ferdinand, Duke Ellington, Coldplay, Europe, Frank Sinatra, Muse, Tilo Alpermann, U2, Би 2, Виктор Цой, Земфира, Ляпис Трубецкой, Океан Ельзи, Сергей Бабкин, Сплин, Скрябин, 5'nizza
Big Fish, Brazil, The Sleuth, Le prenom, Interstellar, Blade Runner, Midnight in paris, The curse of the jade scorpion, Mr. Nobody, Inception, -> Hayao Miyazaki, -> Robin Williams
Memorias del Subsuelo (Dostoyevski), Yo Robot (Asimov), Fundación (Asimov), Маленькый Принц, .
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Firefly, Marvel's Jessica Jones, Mr. Robot, Sense8, The Expanse, Breaking Bad, Californication, Community, Childhood's End, Galavant
O el problema tiene solución, y entonces es inútil precouparse; o el problema no tiene solución, y entonces es inútil preocuparse.